![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
- Girl Genius: "Oh, and I saw the Baron a bit when I was on Castle Wulfenbach. But I had to run away when everybody found out I was a Heterodyne."
Klaus: "What - Judy!" |
- "I am sorry, mistress...I...I cannot." Spoken by Castle Heterodyne, letting the heroine just how screwed the situation is.
- And: "SCREEE! GROWR! SSSSSS! SSSSSS!" the reaction of a revenant-detecting creature to exposure to Gilgamesh Wulfenbach.
- And following that: "She didn't have to. You were infected before you even met her." [2]
- Megatokyo: "If I sleep with you, will you go away?"
- Kid Radd: "No no no, Crystal has left the building...YOU'RE TALKING TO THE SEER."
- Sheena gets a few.
Sheena: (to Radd) "Besides, if you'd died, how could I arrest you?" |
- City of Reality: "Take me back. Now."
- The Space Between: "Come inside. People might think you're an actual hobo."
- Sluggy Freelance:
Riff: "Torg, it was me." |
- "It was about that time Aylee announced she was dying."
- "But you can be at peace, for we are your people, Aylee. You are finally home."
- And then in 4U City Red:
Riff: How long have I been here? |
Muut: The day Surma died...none of us came to take her. |
Reynardine: You are the reason Surma died! |
Coyote: Don't tell me no one has told the girl she isn't exactly human! |
Antimony: ... Father? |
- The Order of the Stick Strip #758 is somewhat unique in that several people deliver the Wham.
Tarquin: We've gone through dozens of different names by now...The Dutchy of Terror, the Barren Baronies... |
- Black Dragon: "...Now I will kill your children."
- From #498:
Horace: How long do you think you've been here? In the afterlife? |
- From #1139 (more a Wham! Panel, but the line counts, too):
Thor: – but we sure ain't quitters. |
- Out There gives us this (little spoileriffic). After Miriam and Clayton have been bantering, and the former has made it perfectly clear that that's not going to happen, and the latter has been accepting of that: "Anyway, don't you think any of these losers wouldn't flock to see you [work as a stripper]? Hell, I'm sure I would." The kiss afterward serves the same general purpose.
- A lengthy time-travel arc in Narbonic is turned on its head with a single innocuous line. Everything Dave tries fails in some way, and he comes to the conclusion that You Can't Fight Fate. Then he says that he needs a cigarette, and is asked "Since when do you smoke?" The sudden realization that he no longer feels a craving for a cigarette--that, in fact, he feels like he's never smoked before--gives him the confidence to try to prevent what he knows is coming.
- And in its final month, courtesy of a young time-traveller: "And I think, in the end, you and Mom can find some kind of happiness." The character being spoken to didn't even realize the bomb that had just been dropped until a few seconds later -- you can almost hear the Record Needle Scratch.
- Homestuck gets more than a few. In chronological order:
AA: banished fr0m the universe we left behind |
- Dave listens to the Horrorterrors.
TG: im pretty sure it was |
- And then Rose reveals the identity of her informant:
TG: what you mean a troll |
- A pretty big one came buried under lots of text here
GG: because he said hes my grandson |
- "While a timer counts down with no particular clock stepping forward to claim it...The most important character in Homestuck fondly regards the miracle of a new beginning."
- One word shattered the expectations of fans: DEAD. It also overlaps with Unsound Effect.
- Kanaya informs Jade on the importance of the Genesis Frog:
GA: He Is Not Responsible For Just One Aspect Of The Universe You Create |
- And with this line from Eridan, everything goes to hell:
CA: fight him |
- Then after a series of shocking events: "Don't turn your back on the body."
- And then:
TC: shut up. |
- "Pardon me while I let Jack inside."
- Doc Scratch gets a few of these during his intermission. Sorted by date:
- 5/31/11: "With as little fanfare, he seized the opportunity to follow the Thief's trail quickly before it dissipated, and destroyed their hideout in the veil."
- 6/8/11: "What sort of story would this be, with our Knight and Seer made to stay cadavers? Certainly not one the alpha timeline would allow. And not one she'd allow either."
- When Dreambubble John finally begins to remember his death:
GT: This was not the suit i was wearing when i died. |
- Davesprite explains to Jade his second encounter with Hephaestus:
[[color:#f2a400:DAVESPRITE: see it turns out |
- From Nannasprite, on the identity of her adopted mother, Betty Crocker:
pipefan413: She knew the baroness was not human! :B |
- Karkat apologizes:
- Betty Crocker: @turntechGodhead Please enjoy. Mr. Strider. http://tinyurl.com/MoThErFuCkInMiRaClEs
- We find out why Gamzee is "the most important character in Homestuck":
- Quoth Doc Scratch about an early set of Alternians: "The heroes chose to accept this bargain, and scratched their session."
- A little later, same conversation: "But in addition to losing their memories of everything that had happened before the scratch, there was another catch for the failed heroes. In the new reality, they would not serve as the heroes."
- And a final one from Scratch, probably the biggest of all, at the EOA5 flash, right before all the kids' plans come to a head and the universe is reset:
- Quoth Doc Scratch about an early set of Alternians: "The heroes chose to accept this bargain, and scratched their session."
S u c k e r s. |
- uranianUmbra [UU] began cheering gutsyGumshoe [GG] at 11:17
- In an otherwise silly and hilarious conversation with a 15-year-old drunk:
[[color:#00d5f2:GG: I believe SOMEBODY doesn't want me to play. |
- "The Page is dead. Our hope is lost."
- When John asks how long it will take him and Jade to cross the Yellow Yard and arrive in the new session:
GG: i would say |
- "You say it's all fair game now that the kingdom's under new management. The new boss ain't opposed to taking some shrewd tactical shortcuts."
- Followed by: "He says it's probably because she wears the most grand and luxurious fluffy hat he's ever seen. You say you don't think that's a hat. You think it's something called 'hair.'"
- In a conversation with Dirk Strider, Roxy drops this conversational bomb, about her "upbringin"
- "You say it's all fair game now that the kingdom's under new management. The new boss ain't opposed to taking some shrewd tactical shortcuts."
TG: like |
- In a dream bubble, Terezi has a chat with Vriska. Only to learn something unexpected.
GC: VR1SK4 |
- And with this line, humanity's fate is made significantly less ambiguous:
TT: There are no humans either. They all went extinct. |
- Mortifer: "That's...Well, that's impossible...There was only one demon with that name, and he died off hundreds of years ago."
- "The new leader of the black market, Vlademyre Hynner."
- "We have a demon of our own."
- "That's when I started to realize something. This entire business had to be crushed, and all its people have to pay for what they've done."
- "Yes, he worked at Sintec, but your research lacked greatly. Sintec doubles as a mercenary company, the idea of the "exterminator" company was simply a cover for the real thing. Joey had taken over the presidency after the unfortunate accident of the former president."
- Haru-Sari: "Come on, Cygnet, this isn't even your room!"
- Ménage à 3: (NSFW)
Yuki: promise we'll be like this forever... Garii. |
- Penny and Aggie
- Early on,
- Which much later led to...
Penny: "You wanna...pretend a little more for a minute?" |
- Questionable Content: "Marten, do you like me?" As Faye herself put it, "like interrupting an intricate waltz with a sledgehammer to the knee."
- Also, much later, "...Well. I guess that's it, then," turning a pretty standard Dora/Marten arc into a Wham! Episode.
- El Goonish Shive: "It was real. The monster was a golem created by one who must be found. The girl is a good Samaritan who can fly. What was seen is what was."
- Before that, near the end of Sister II:
Pandora Chaos Raven: Very well. You want to make a difference? You want a world you can freely participate in? I will give it to you. |
Nicole: "Admittedly, calling someone an attempted murderer is harsh, but tell me, Mr. Terrell, what were you doing before you were hired by GPF Software?" |
- Later on, not so much because of the secret discussed but because Nick is aware of it.
Nick: "So now that that’s done and over with, can we talk about our time traveling son from the alternate future?" |
- When Fooker goes to his ex-girlfriend Sharon to apologize.
Sharon: Dex and I will be staying at his folks' place for a while. |
- While Trudy and Yoshi are discussing Ki, and Trudy is hesitant to go see her.
Yoshi: Just as well, I guess. She’s too wrapped up in her loser boyfriend. He’ll be back any minute now... |
- Looking for Group: "He's not dead."
- And, on a related note, "Ow?"
- I'm slowly turning human.
- Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures:
Aaryana: "Destania must be so proud to have such a wonderful and kind incubus like you for a son!" |
- Or on a much more ominous note.
M.A.C.E. (looking up Abel): "Father: Aniz Siar (Cubi) / Born: Unknown / Status: Deceased (1964 Dekith) / [Killed by Quintinga Ti'fona]." |
- Even more ominous:
Mab: "It is hard enough knowing two of my friends will die." |
- Starfighter: "Gentlemen, this is a time sensitive matter. Therefore I shall be brief. We are losing this war."
- Girly. Courtesy of Otra.
Otra: It was all a lie |
Kevin: (to the rabbit that saved Kell when she went to look for his parents) Thanks, Dad. |
- This exchange
Dorothy: Is that another request for an arranged marriage with Coney? |
- After the intruder identifies himself as a political operative for Kevin's Rabbit Council opponent.
Kevin: But I’m not up for re-election for years! |
- When Rudy asks who would be unlucky enough to have to give Vin Vulpen a tail transplant, Lindesfarne holds a ruler at his tail and says "Four inches should do it."
- "Kell...you...you won. You're the new CEO of Herd Thinners!"
- After it's revealed that the evidence connecting Kevin's father and Angelique to killing Sid was done to them by the other in the hopes of Framing the Guilty Party, this exchange happens.
Papa Kindle: But if neither of us is the killer, then who is? |
- Dominic Deegan had one: "David Johann, the King of Callan"
- Shortpacked!
- A guessing game ends.
Ethan: Well lookie there, we have a winner. |
- The beginning of a disturbing relationship.
nice!Mike: So you plan to keep me inebriated to make me the perfect boyfriend? I hate to say. It's been done. And it didn't end well. |
- World peace at the ultimate price.
Roz: Not since-- no, look, hey, LEAVE, okay before-- |
- At the end of a fairly typical filler week, we see Mike and Amber at Comic-Con:
Amber: Since when are you helpful? |
- After the proposal...
Leslie: Bull. Are you telling me your vomitfest was just for show? |
- Survivor Fan Characters:
- Season 7:
Chrii: "Guys, Manya did lie. Wrecker didn't have the idol." |
- Followed quickly by:
Jeff Probst: "Chrii is playing the Hidden Immunity Idol. All votes for Chrii do not count. I'll read the votes." |
- Season 9:
Cherman: "You see, there is one other tool I have. It's a mini voice recorder that Brenton and Madison accidentally made removable from my body. And I gave it to Barbie." |
- Fans: "There is more than one being in the universe who desires souls."
- Electric Wonderland ended its sixth story by having NJ try to call police to arrest Aerynn Arlia. The cop he talked to, Natasha Wing, refused to believe NJ's report, because she never encountered Aerynn in all her years of crimefighting. It sounds like a foolish reason not to take any action, until...
Natasha: I've also studied the physics code for the Internet and over half the powers you told me are impossible. IM. POSSIBLE. |
- Later, Trawn and NJ discover that the government's magic-seeking equipment never detects Aerynn's brand of magic. NJ then asked if this meant they can't find anyone who practices the powers as Aerynn, so she answered, "No one has my powers, Nate!" He subsequently demanded to know exactly how powerful she is. She admitted, "I don't know...Because there are a lot of things I'm afraid to try!" This sounds especially surprising after she spent nearly all of the previous comics performing actions possible only through Rule of Funny.
- Dissonance: The setting is an entirely ordinary (but fictional) university. The main characters have discovered an unusual, undocumented kind of animal, they've named "Pandora". They've discovered she has a number of unusual traits; she can stand on two legs, her mane glows in the dark, and she cares for injured rodents, despite resembling a cat. A reporter hears about it;
Ceyla: So, Sarah. Your pre-print on the scientific journals stated your discovery of Pandora could reshape the current view of the history of evolution, do you really think she is that important of a discovery? |
- Princess Pi once featured two in the same conversation:
Sam: What do you even have to cry about? You're rich! I only get a $75000 allowance! You don't even take advantage of it! You wear the same earrings ALL THE TIME! That's so LAME! |
Maddy: "I don't mind." |
Zexion: Everything you love will have my dick in it! |
- Rice Boy: Not so much the line itself, as who's saying it and who they're saying it to:
Rice Boy: You have traveled long and far - you have reached the iron tower - you have changed form... thrice. |