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- Ruby Quest:
- "Today is October 31st."
- Weaver: "Yes, it would have killed Tom."
- "Isn't it obvious? You're dead."
- Red vs. Blue: Reconstruction has two near the end, one of them the final line of the season.
- "Church, there's no such thing as ghosts. You're one of them. You're an AI. You...are the Alpha."
- "Sincerely yours, the former director of Project Freelancer, Doctor Leonard Church."
- "Buenos Dias, cockbites. Guess whose back?" It's Tex.
- "[Wyoming]'s right. This is Freelancer Tex, broadcasting on an open channel."
- Washington drops this bombshell in Reconstruction: "You actually think you're real soldiers?! You guys are nothing!"
- "Hey, Simmons? I think he shot me too."
- "What in the hell makes you think that I'm going to ask for it?"
- From the penultimate episode of Revelation: "[Tex] died in her real life, and that's all the Director ever remembered of her. So now, no matter how tough she is, no matter how hard she fights, she's always going to fail, because that's what she's based on. No matter what she's doing, or what she's trying to accomplish, just when her goal is within her reach, it gets yanked away. Every. Single. Time."
- Season Nine does quite a few of these, but the most powerful is undoubtedly in the final episode of the season: "No. I'm not going to say "I love you." I'm going to say "I forget you." I'm letting you go."
- "You're gonna help me kill the Director."
- "He's coming for you, Linkara..." At that point, you realize that Mechakara wasn't just a Shout-Out to Terminator.
- Dr. Linksano got a rather good one at the end of the first Tandy Computer Whiz Kids review:
"There are forces in The Multiverse far beyond anything you've ever dealt with. Ancient, mindless evils that fill in the cracks and eat dimensions just for a snack. Monstrous deities and empires spanning Universe after Universe have risen and fallen in the span of forever! But there is still one individual, one being that they are all horrified of! When I saw him coming near my universe, I fled. Muhahahhahahha. Weep for your Universe, Linkara! Weep for all Universes! For Lord Vyce is coming! Hihihi. And all that he sees, he conquers! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!" |
- From the Silent Hill Dead/Alive #1 and 2 review - Pollo: "Linkara, you've been alone in here all day." (note this said after Linkara complains that people have been interrupting his review).
- This may be a stretch, but I recommend this happy gem from Silent Hill Dead/Alive #3 and 4: Mechakara: "Go on, kill [Pollo], just like you killed her!"
- And one that you have to think about for in Action Comics #593's previously on sequence
- From the Silent Hill Dead/Alive #1 and 2 review - Pollo: "Linkara, you've been alone in here all day." (note this said after Linkara complains that people have been interrupting his review).
Linkara-Prime: I wonder if I should have told my past self about the gun? Oh well, its only his sanity. |
- From Spider-Man: Planet of the Symbiotes, The Reveal of The Entity's true identity.
"A piece of the world is missing. It doesn't mean that it's gone... it's your name!" |
- From the end of Youngblood #4:
Linkara: Okay, Mechakara. Surrender and you won't get hurt. |
- From Spoony's Final Fantasy X review: "Tidus of Spira, RISE!" and "Soon that pile of cloned rat-filth will finally learn: This is my story!"
- From Everyman HYBRID, episode "One Step Forward, Two Steps Back":
- At the end of "Intermission"
Vinny: Alex isn't okay. |
- A comedic example in "Damsel"
Steph: I'd be fucking stoked if they weren't releasing me today! |
- Marble Hornets has one early on that does a good job at setting the mood: "Burn them."
- For the first dozen or so videos, J was strictly a narrator and viewpoint character. After a while, he started to get a bit more involved, visiting locations and interviewing witnesses to try and piece together the mystery. Then, in 19, things happened. "I have been recording myself for a month now..."
- "Season 2", like the first part, opens with Entry 27's Wham Line. "The past 7 months are completely missing from my memory."
- "There is something bothering me. I don't remember any of this happening".
- From Entry #49: "I told you not to follow me!"
- Vampire Quest: "When I was a child...I...was kidnapped...by Lilicore as retribution."
- During v4 of Survival of the Fittest, in reaction to the Wham! Episode that was Faraday's Cages:
Achyls: "Blow the collar! I said BLOW THE FUCKING COLLAR!" |
- The final line of V3 is a massive example.
B58 - Johnathan Rizzolo - Deceased |
- "An attempt was made by a military organization to rescue some of the contestants in this season of Survival of the Fittest. The lives of many students were lost as a result of the actions of your governments. Any future attempts will be met with an immediate and total detonation of all collars."
- Suburban Knights: "It’s Malachite. Malachite sent that chain letter. He was waiting for someone to go after [Malachite's Hand]."
- And not ten minutes later: "Critic?" "Suede?"
- In Perfect Kirby 3, Kirby tells Roy he knows about the Hippin' Jippin' Gene.
Roy: (Dramatic Gun Cock) Then you know too much! |
- The SCP Foundation has several of these. Often an entry will lead the reader in a certain direction by deliberately not revealing all of the object's qualities; the Wham! Line will then drastically change the tone of the piece. Particularly good ones are for SCP-1025, SCP-804, SCP-089, and SCP-093's associated entries.
- SCP-089: "For each locution event, SCP-089-A is a healthy, unblemished human infant or child between eight months and six years of age, and SCP-089-B is that child’s natural mother."
- Andrew Swann's SCP-001 proposal: "And it’s a bunch of horror writers."
- SCP-804: They simply wanted to do it.
- SCP-093: there was no war it was him him him him him IT. IT. it came from between the folds of time and space and worlds and light and dark something that is but should not be slipped in and called out to them as their god and they believed it and they tasted it and touched it and layed with it and became its property and did its will and IT IS STILL HERE
- In Minecraft Shadow of Israphel, episode 34:
Knight Peculier: I made the most cowardly decision I had ever made. To end my wretched life. |
- And then after that, there’s a line that makes you realise not only did he nearly kill himself, but he was this close to offing the heroes, too (who at the time were bewildered and kind of amused by the existence of the RPG scenario they had uncovered and jokingly suspicious of the milk.)
- Episode 38.
"Knight_Peculier tried to swim in lava." |
Snob: "There's even a rumor going around that you bought twenty tons of dynamite for yourself." —The Nostalgia Critic: "Nooo, that part was true."
- In Freemans Mind, at the end of episode 28, Gordon finds an elevator that goes up and isn't booby trapped...only to find the way blocked by numerous crates full of powerful explosives...
Gordon: You know, I'm beginning to think this isn't a rescue operation..." |
- Retsupurae's The Marios brings us an unscripted (and funny as hell) example:
LuwiigiMaster: *laughter* I'm sorry, people, its just that I keep thinking about all these other Lets Players that, like, got made fun of by Retsupurae, or something. |
- Scootertrix the Abridged has this.
Rarity: Fine! I’m a Changeling |
Rarity: Fine! I’m a Changeling!
- And then there is this bomb.
Applejack: Apple Bloom, our mother is dead. |
- And then there is this.
Pinkie Pie: We’re in a TV show! |
- From Rooster Teeth's hilarious Minecraft Let's Play
"Did you do that? Are you serious? Guys, there may or may not be lava engulfing our house right now. |
- Wolf 359:
- In "Deep Breaths", when Hilbert hears one of the old radio transmissions of old-timey music that Eiffel has been receiving throughout the first season.
Hilbert: Eiffel, I'm going to need you to stop what you're doing. |
- And later, in the same episode:
Hilbert: Hera, run lockdown protocol 24C. |
- "What's Up, Doc" has one from Hilbert, after he explains that he had been assigned aboard the ship to work on a retrovirus designed to enhance the human body.
Minkowski: So you didn't want us to know that you were keeping samples of this dangerous virus in your laboratory? |
- ** In "Knock Knock", Hera manages to fix the interference on the communications, allowing the crew to talk to whoever has been trying to contact them throughout the episode. They respond… in Eiffel's voice and claim to be him while the real deal is listening to the transmission. The following episode, "Who's There", has an even bigger one when the panicking crew demands the voice tell them who they really are.
"Eiffel": Well… no, not really. It's not really Officer Eiffel. We have no voice of our own, but we are borrowing yours. To communicate. |