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Primary Characters[]


The host of WTFIWWY.

  • Anti-Hero: Of the good, but not heroic, kind.
  • Butt Monkey: Most notable in the crossover episodes.
  • Catch Phrase: Wouldn't be a TGWTG member without one.
    • "Hey kids, I'm Nash and I couldn't make this shit up if I tried." (opening line)
    • "This is Nash, saying that if I have to hurt, so does everyone else." (closing line)
    • "Looks like this is the part where I elaborate." Lead-in for the animated intros.
    • Obviously, "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
      • When there's a woman who does something particularly stupid: "The fuck is wrong with you, lady?!"
    • "This," (picture) "plus this," (another picture) "equals fucking this!" (picture depicting an obvious combination of the preceding pictures)
    • "Don't be caught standing, when the music stops." (a closing line for one of his other shows, The Musical Chair)
    • "Each week, Kathryn goes on the world wide interwebs, finds all sorts of horrible stuff, brings it back here on a segment we like to call "What the Fuck Is Wrong With You?"" (opening line for the live version)
    • "So, what have we learned?"
    • "I got video!"
    • "Live, everybody!" (whenever they encounter technical difficulties in the Live show)
    • He has been known to close his weekly show with "Meanwhile, this is Nash saying stick a stake in me, I'm done!"
    • "Wait... It gets better!"
  • Deadpan Snarker: Well, sometimes not that deadpan...
  • Drop the Hammer: His Weapon of Choice is a standard claw hammer with a red handle.
  • Even Riffers Have Standards.: While he will laugh at the idiocy-induced misfortune of others (sometimes quite heartily), as he demonstrated in Episode 31, he has his limits.
  • Genre Savvy: Not that it helps him much.
  • Limited Wardrobe: The blue jacket and the black shirt with a grey collar. Though he has used other clothes, this are the most common.
  • Minor Injury Overreaction: While participating in a NERF war at MAG Fest X in January 2012, Nash became incensed when a fellow player accidentally shot him in the crotch, going so far as to call him out on it during the TGWTG panel. "You shot me in the dick!" became one of the most memorable moments of the con.
  • Only Sane Man: Nash is this to not only everybody in the featured news stories, but often also to other characters on the show.
  • Rapunzel Hair
  • Screams Like a Little Girl: Not in the show itself, but apparently he managed to drop Emperor Palpatine's lightsaber through his foot.
  • Stepford Smiler: Shades of this.
  • Title Drop
  • Troll: Always Played for Laughs


Nash's co-host during the live shows.

  • Adult Child: She absolutely loves hippos, to the point of of obsession. That being said, she's usually the more level-headed and down-to-earth of the two, and she tends to come up with the more disturbing jokes.
  • Catch Phrase: "Welcome to back to 'Be A Better Criminal with Tara'" (before pointing out the holes in dumb criminals' logic).
  • Cloudcuckoolander
  • Collector of the Strange: Hippo toys. A whole truckload of 'em.
  • Dark and Troubled Past

 Nash: Whenever you tell childhood stories, it's like Rose Nylund from The Golden Girls meets Saw.


 Nash: Everything you just said made me sad.


Stick Boy[]

The star of Nash's introductory cartoons.

Secondary Characters[]

Space Guy[]

The leader of an unspecified extraterrestrial race's spaceship.

Arlo P. Arlo[]

A southern guy who apparently likes DIY and guns.

Trousers Cosmic[]

Best described by Nash: "Pants are aliens, and they are angry. Angry alien pants."

Emperor Palpatine[]

The leader of the Galactic Empire, whom Nash pesters once in a while.

  • Noodle Incident: Apparently when he met Nash, Palpatine dropped his lightsaber through his foot.

Other Real People[]

Jesu Otaku[]

TGWTG producer, former member of the now-defunct Desu Des Brigade and Nash's real-life girlfriend. Appeared on the live WTFIWWY and RDA whenever the show was broadcasted from her house, which will likely become more frequent now that she has moved in with Nash. For her general tropes, as well as the tropes in her non-RDA videos, see her page.

  • Crossover: "Land of the Rising Dumb" (JO in a WTFIWWY video) and "Transformers Animated" (Nash in a JO video).
  • Funny Background Event: Ever since joining Nash on RDA permenantly, JO sits to the back left of the video. She often does funny things with the hippo toy Tara gave Nash, the TARDIS toy on his desk or other random things.

Derek the Bard[]

A long-time friend of Nash's (his presence in some form on RDA predates the creation of WTFIWWY by several years), Derek is a Canadian librarian who hosts several review shows, the best known of which is Warning! Readers' Advisory, where he reviews books. New Derek the Bard episodes are usually premiered in the slot on RDA immediately after Live WTFIWWY, and his style has attracted many casual RDA viewers who would have left the stream immediately after WTF is over to stay for the rest of the show. For his general tropes, as well as the tropes in his non-RDA videos, see his page.

  • Guest Host: The Live WTFIWWY for 8/29/2011, Junk of the Cthulhu, has Derek subbing in for Tara, who still hadn't had her power restore from Hurricane Irene.


Nash's main researcher for the show.

Mike the Producer[]

Nash's producer, famous for his trolling requests on Radio Dead Air.