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  • During the 11 April 2011 episode of Radio Dead Air, Nash wanted to raise $200 for Tara - the co-host of the live version of WTFIWWY - to send her to a convention. He asked the chatroom to, if possible, donate 1 or 2 dollars. They ended up raising nearly $500 in under 30 minutes.
  • In the Valentine's episode, seeing the picture of Nash's girlfriend Jesu Otaku on Nash's computer just made this troper smile.
  • Nash received a talking Space Core plush from a fan and spent a lot of one RDA broadcast gleefully showing it off, at one point kneeling down behind his desk to make it look like the Space Core was hosting. He was just so damn *happy*!
  • On 20 June 2011, Nash announced on air that a friend of his passed away during the show. A visibly shaken Nash proceeded on with the show, and Jesu Otaku, who was there with him, casually gave him a kiss on the cheek.
  • On 27 June 2011, Nash was explaining that it was nearing time to renew his Live365 broadcasting license, with his licensing fees being US$600 yearly. The chatroom raised the necessary funds in under 15 minutes. Nash was visibly shaken with the donations.
  • The RDA 11th anniversary video Derek The Bard put together, shown on August 1st, 2011.
  • At the end of the 9/5/11 live broadcast, Tara talked about the Hippo Lantern Corp and making it into an internet group, a webcomic, etc. And even though Nash was clearly exasperated by more hippo stuff, all he said was a faint, "You... You chase that dream."
  • Nash's December 26, 2011 livecast, Nash kindly asked for viewers to donate so he could pay his SoundExchange license fees (keep in mind, he does the livestreams on his own time and at his own expense and this was a different fee from the one in June [1]). He was hesitant and made it explicit he didn't like having to ask for money, and made it clear that even if he didn't raise the money, he'd pay out of pocket to keep the show going. He was also worried, as the fees were due earlier than the year before, and wasn't sure they'd make it in time, but even so he recommended not worrying about sending any money until the middle of January. At the behest of the chat, he checked the Paypal account roughly 20 minutes after bringing it up...and found that his fans had gotten the $600 in UNDER 20 MINUTES. Nash was nearly speechless.
  • When Tara was out with a cold, Kyle Kallgren co-hosted, and his title card artist, Ven Gethenian, drew a hippo for Tara as a get well gesture.
  1. Live365 keeps his online radio station going with music 24/7 even when he's not streaming and SoundExchange is the license he is required to pay to make RDA legal and not worry about being shut-down by the RIAA.