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  • In Downfall we see this from both sides of the Seireitei/Hueco Mundo war- and BOTH sides have called the other out on it at one point or another.
  • Hayate attempts to pull this on Takashi in Academy Blues for killing all the Lords of the Circles, but rescinds it once she realises what the "victims" were planning on doing to her and hers.
    • Natalia's grandmother gives her one for her betrayal.
  • Littlefoot of Twilight Valley gets called out by Pterano for assaulting Ms. Maia who is the leader of a a guard division. Ms. Maia later turns traitor.
  • Transformers Victory: Leozack, of all characters, complains to Victory Leo when he's willing to leave Holi and Jean for dead.
  • In Light and Dark The Adventures of Dark Yagami, Soichiro is outraged when L tests the Death Note on his wife, having her to tell Dark to meet him at the warehouse while claiming to know that he is Kira, but L uses a Life Note on her after she dies, reviving her.
  • In An Entry With a Bang!, public opinion turns against the anti-mercenary protestors after they injure one of the child dependents of the Buron Cavalry.
  • In the Firefly fic Forward, the crew calls Mal when he spaces one of Niska's captured henchmen. A couple of story arcs later, Mal again gets called for refusing to support Book's plan to save Simon's life by taking him onto an Alliance ship and using Book's ID card. And of course, Mal calls himself on nearly every other decision he's made.
  • The Doctor Who fanfic "After Life" essentially involves the Ninth Doctor after his regeneration into the Tenth visiting all his previous incarnations and chewing them out for their 'lenient' actions towards the Daleks, arguing that it's their fault that Gallifrey was destroyed in the Time War. And then they do it right back to him, demonstrating that their choices were justified at the time for reasons that the Ninth Doctor's myopia overlooks, they could have no foreknowledge what would happen and that the Ninth Doctor's priorities are all screwed up and a little hypocritical, since the Time War is not the be-all and end-all of existence. Both versions have their validity, but they eventually reach an accommodation.
  • In the Sonic the Hedgehog and Sailor Moon crossover ChaosInfinity the Sailor Scouts force Sonic and his friends to fight them after they accuse them of the mess going on in Tokyo. (It's Eggman's doing, obviously.) After the showdown, Sonic holds nothing back as he berates them - just when he thought that they could look past animalistic looks. His words hit close to home:

 Sonic: Ya know, when I first met these girls, the Sailor Scouts, I thought for sure that there were humans out there that weren't as vile and disgusting as Eggman… but I guess I was wrong for once.

  • In Team8, Kurenai calls Hinata out on pushing herself as far as she did against Neji, which almost resulted in her death and upset Naruto to the point where he nearly forfeited his own match by being unwilling to leave her side, suggesting that she had no regard for her safety or her friends' feelings when she did so.
  • In the Mass Effect self-insert Mass Vexations, Author Avatar Art gets chewed out by Shepard for purposefully splitting a salarian STG unit on Virmire, thus forcing Shepard to make a choice between him and Ashley and nearly getting the salarian unit killed. And that's not including how he gets yelled at for insubordination.
    • And then, this trope pretty much kicks Art's ass all over the place in the sequel. Let's just say creating a Conveniently Unverifiable Cover Story and then hiding the truth from Commander Shepard was not one of his better ideas.
  • in the Doctor Who fan-comic The 10 Doctors, The First, Second, Second-and-a-halfth (Long story) and The Seventh Doctors give one to the Ninth as he almost sacrificed Rose in order to destroy The Superme Dalek AKA the daleknized Tenth Doctor
  • In the Yu-Gi-Oh! fanfic Yu-Gi-Oh Forever, Yugo (the main character and the son of Yugi) gets called out on three separate occasions by different characters:
  • In The Legend of Spyro a New Dawn, Sparx of all people calls Cyril out on him saying that rescuing the kidnapped eggs wasn't worth putting the rest at risk by dividing their forces...right in front of Cynder who was in a Heroic BSOD over the fact her adopted egg was among them.
  • In Poke Wars: The Subsistence, Tracy gets yelled at by the entire cast after he tries to assault Jessie, James and Meowth after their Heel Face Turn.
  • In White Devil of the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Luna and Tuxedo Mask get called out by their teammates for attacking Fate after mistaking her for a Dark Senshi. The group is trying to reach out to Nanoha and recruit her to win the war against the Dark Kingdom, but as the other Senshi point out, attacking Fate makes it more difficult for Nanoha to trust them. Hayate points out that she could charge them with assaulting an officer, but decides to offer them the same treatment given to other repentant former villains.
  • Paragon-flavored Shepard delivers a particularly angry one to Dr. Halsey in When There Was a Tomorrow after learning how Spartan-IIs were recruited.
  • In With Strings Attached, the four (specifically George) decide to abandon Jim Hunter to his mind-sucking BFS because they don't want to risk their lives trying to get it away from him. They feel guilty, but they do it anyway. Luckily for both him and them, the ruthless ploy results in Jim's being able to release the sword, so he thinks it was just a brilliant maneuver on George's part. No one is in any hurry to tell him differently.
    • Also, they refuse to rescue or even contact Lyndess after they deliver the Vasyn, pretty much saying that she can go fuck herself... despite her having saved their lives at the end of the First Movement.
  • The dwarven noble gets some of these in Dragon Age: The Crown of Thorns. One of them leaves him with broken ribs and a snapped jaw. He expected it and let it happen, but it still hurt because healing magic didn't work on him until recently. And even now it's not a given.
  • Twilight Sparkle, and most likely the viewers, have this reaction when Phoenix Wright accuses Fluttershy of murder to buy more time in Turnabout Storm.
  • While L has elicted a few of these WTHH reactions from other characters in the Death Note canon, in another fanfic, Story of the Century, the Original Character insert and narrator, Erin, delivers a particularly nasty and tearful "What the hell?" speech near the end of the story that doubles as a "This is why you suck" speech, after Light, Rem and Watari die, and L insists on being left alone to die, having written his own name in the notebook prior, which helped to precipitate the three aforementioned deaths. You would think that being L, he would try to justify the actions he took, but not this time. His response could prick a few readers' eyelids.
  • In Reconciliation it is revealed that Lilly was angry with Hisao for disregarding her advice about Hanako, checking on her when she didn't want to see anyone, triggering the Bad Ending (in which Hanako angrily decclares that she hates Hisao and Lilly) and leading to Hanako distancing herself from Hisao and Lilly for eight years out of guilt. Averted when Hanako expects to receive a response like this from Lilly, but does not.
  • Inspector Patterson is subjected to this several times by Lestrade and Gregson in the Deliver Us from Evil Series, typically over Patterson's attitude/actions regarding Sherlock Holmes or Dr. Watson.

 Gregson: (Narrative Profanity Filter) ...“now what in bloody blazes d’you mean ‘they’ve’ found a body?!”

    • A chapter later...

 Lestrade: "You knew it was probable that Sherlock Holmes was dead, and you allowed them to hope by being uncertain? My god, man, have you no compassion?"

  • In the end chapter of To Kill a Thief, Light calls out Miyako about why she refuses to believe Maron is Jeanne because of the resemblance, contrasting on how he immediately find out by the resemblance.
  • In the Voltron: Legendary Defender fic Across the Multiverse, Akira Kogane tries to kill himself to be with his dead lover Takashi Shirogane. The Space Goddess chews him out for selfishly abandoning his friends and teammates. When Akira tries to beg her to bring Takashi back to life, the Goddess asks him what makes Takashi so special compared to his brother Ryou, Raible's son and wife, and everyone else lost to the war. Unfortunately, the reader is supposed to see her as the villain even though she's 100% completely right.
  • In the Speed Racer fic Before the Dawn, Speed has a complete meltdown when Trixie is critically injured in a car crash and declares that if she doesn't survive, he plans to scrap the Mach 5 and quit racing altogether. His family and friends call him out on this several times, telling him what a stupid move that would be and how Trixie wouldn't want him to give up. This message finally gets through his skull when Racer X shows up and gives him a stern talking-to, including relaying his own story of a lost love.