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- Basic Trope: A couple consisting of a black man and a white woman
- Played Straight: Alice is in a relationship with Jamal
- Exaggerated: Every last one of Jamal's past girlfriends was white. Similarly, every one of Alice's past boyfriends was black.
- Inverted: Katisha is in a relationship with Bob
- Alice and Jamal can't stand one another.
- Justified: True love knows no race, creed, color, gender, etc. lines
- Jamal has a fetish for white women and/or Alice has a fetish for black men.
- Subverted: Alice and Jamal are Platonic Life Partners
- Alice and Jamal are the same race
- Alice and Jamal are an interracial couple, but no one makes a big deal about it.
- Double Subverted: But eventually do get together.
- But they are from different religious or cultural backgrounds
- Most of the time, anyway.
- Deconstructed: Not everyone is so accepting of this arrangement.
- Reconstructed: Alice and Jamal stay together, no matter what anyone else thinks. And they realize that their real friends are the ones that do accept their relationship, which becomes stronger every day.
- Parodied: Jamal ask "Where Da White Women At" where ever he goes. Alice says "I'll take my coffee black, like my men."
- Lampshaded:
Alice: I love you, Choco-bear! |
- Averted: Alice and Jamal are the same race and culture.
- Alice and Jamal are not a couple.
- Enforced: ???
- Invoked: Alice and Jamal meet and find they have the same interests and find each other really attractive.
- Defied: Alice does not like Jamal (or vice versa), whether because of race or something else.
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
- Played For Laughs:
- Played For Drama: Alice's parents don't take too kindly to her involvement with a black man.
- The story takes place in the Deep South before, during, or shortly after the Civil War. The relationship being a struggle, therefore, is a Foregone Conclusion.
Where Da White Women At?? |