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Actual Pacifist, healer, Love Interest, with a Simple Staff.

The White Magician Girl is a Stock Character appearing in Fantasy Literature and Role Playing Games, acting as the party's resident healer, nurturer and source of feminine wisdom. While the other party members are slaughtering opponents, the White Magician Girl is taking care of their wounds with gentleness and compassion, and congratulating them after the battle with her brilliant smile. She is often included as a female protagonist because Guys Smash Girls Shoot or as a Foil to a less traditionally feminine Action Girl. She's basically the White Mage infused with Incorruptible Pure Pureness.

There are three essential elements of the White Magician Girl:

  • The Chick: The White Magician Girl is classically female and always feminine. Tomboys, Sweet Polly Olivers, and Bifauxnen need not apply. Their femininity will usually be emphasized in her character design with the use of long hair and overtly feminine clothing, such as dresses or robes. Male analogs, which are rare but on the rising, will mimic the same gentle appearance, sometimes to the extent of wearing long robes and long hair (or perhaps a suitably pious hat).
  • Takes a support role in combat: A White Magician Girl's primary role in combat is performing healing and/or support abilities, usually through White Magic. As a result, they usually have relatively poor physical combat skills. Although classic for the look, their Weapon of Choice is not always a Simple Staff or Magic Staff; blunt objects like maces, scepters, or hammers are common, as are ranged weapons, such as bows. Improbable Weapon User White Magician Girls are not unheard of, especially heart-shaped weapons.
  • Caring and compassionate: White Magician Girls have nurturing, motherly tendencies that tie-in with their feminine appearance and white magic. Very often they act as The Chick and The Heart of their party. Common personality types include being The Pollyana, The Ingenue, Proper Lady, Yamato Nadeshiko, or The Messiah. More rarely, they may be a Plucky Girl. White Magician Girls are almost never a straight Genki Girl, Tomboy, or Tsundere type, although mild tendencies are not disqualifiers.

While not a requirement, she is frequently the Love Interest of The Hero, and will generally overlap with traditionally feminine fantasy archetypes such as the Rebellious Princess or Mystical Waif. If not, she'll likely be the guy's older or younger sister instead. It's not uncommon for them to be princesses (rebellious or not), pacifists, or clergy. Characters of this archetype are frequently paired with a Black Mage, usually a Black Magician Girl or Lady of Black Magic, as a Foil.

See also The Medic, White Mage, The Heart, and The Chick. This trope is almost the inverse of the Black Magician Girl.

Examples of White Magician Girl include:

Video Games[]

  • The Princess of Moonbrooke in Dragon Quest II is the Ur Example, debuting all the way back in '87. While she may have set a (possibly) unfortunate trend for RPG females, she's still a vast improvement over the Distressed Damsels that were so common at the time.
  • Wild Arms:
    • Cecelia from Wild ARMs, though arguably she is the main character, and eventually gets a full skillset.
    • Yulie from Wild Arms 4, who also hits the Mystical Waif trope.
  • Final Fantasy:
    • Maria from Final Fantasy II starts off with stats that could easily make her this 100% or an Archer but it is worth noting due to the experience system any of the men could also be made this despite how they start off.
    • Rosa from Final Fantasy IV (also a Distressed Damsel) was almost a prototype for the breed, except her non-magical archery was often a match for some melee characters. She could wield a staff as well, but her best weapons were bows and arrows.
    • Aerith from Final Fantasy VII is arguably the archetypical example, though far more outspoken than is typical of this trope.
    • Garnet/Dagger from Final Fantasy IX uses magical "rackets" as well as staves. She fit this trope to a T until she starts getting her summons back, at which point she shifts to a more offensive-oriented character. Interestingly, this change is also marked by her cutting her long hair.
    • Yuna in Final Fantasy X. Averted in Final Fantasy X 2 where Yuna has as much access as Rikku and Paine to all manner of death-dealing hardware.
    • In Final Fantasy Tactics Alma Beoulve and Princess Ovelia are both exclusively White Mages, much more feminine and passive than the other Action Girls in the game, and are both very much The Chick.
    • All these may be preceded by the White Mage of the original Final Fantasy, an early example of the character design, to the extent any gender can be determined.
      • It is worth noting that many generic Final Fantasy characters such as the Black Mage, Ninja, and indeed White Mage were added to the Mario Sports series and the White Mage is depicted as a tall, slender feminine in personality woman with long beautiful hair.
  • Breath of Fire often subverts the trope. Only the first and fourth games really play the trope straight with Nina, and even then IV gave her some offensive magic to let her qualify more as The Red Mage.
  • Fire Emblem: A fact present in several of these games is that one of your first allies will be a Cleric (on-foot female White Mage) or a Priest (on-foot male White Mage), and some rounds later you'll be able to recruit a Troubadour (mounted White Mage), and sometimes a Valkyrie (mounted Red Mage), a Sage (basically the same, but on foot and with either gender), or a Bishop (Light magic user and healer that promotes from Clerics and Priests (they can also promote from the all-male Monks, which use offensive magic instead of staves)).
    • Akaneia/Archanea games:
      • The original FE Staff Chicks are Elice (Cleric; Marth's older sister and Love Interest to his best friend Merric), Lena (another Cleric, who's paired up with Julian) and Maria (another Cleric, and the youngest of the Macedon Royal Siblings). It's also parodied a bit with the Cool Old Guy Wrys, who in the DS remakes shows up right when the rookie cavalier Luke is wondering if a cute Cleric will join in...
      • Gaiden and its remake Echoes have Silque (Cleric, joins early in Alm's route), Genny (Cleric too, Celica's friend from Novis), Tatiana (Ezequiel aka Zeke's girlfriend and a Saint, alias a promoted cleric). In Echoes, Alm's Unlucky Childhood Friend Faye can become a Cleric if the player so decides (and many tend to do).
      • Mystery of the Emblem adds Lena's apprentice Marisha (a bit of an exception to the "Staff Chicks aren't Genki Girls" rule) and Princess Yuliya. Kris can become one if the player reclasses them into Cleric or Priest.
    • Genealogy of the Holy War:
      • In the first generation, Ethlyn (Troubadour; capable of fighting but uses swords rather than magic and has a poor strength score) and Aideen (Cleric; lacks offensive capabilities completely before promoting) are the primary examples.
      • Deidre might also qualify. She has light magic capabilities as well, but her low stats in everything other than magic and heavy tome make her unfit to get in any serious combat, and one of her first jobs upon arrival is to use her Silence staff to neutralize a dangerous enemy mage. She's also The Ingenue and All-Loving Heroine (though ironically, she also has the bloodline of the anti-messiah, making her integral to the villains' plans).
      • Also in the first generation, Claude is a male example. Though he does have combat capabilities upon arrival as he is already a promoted High Priest, he doesn't have any offensive magic upon his arrival BUT has some of the most powerful healing staves, and can only use the most basic spells while being the only one who can use THE most powerful staff.
      • In the second generation, Edain's daughter Lana is the primary one, filling the same role as her mother, although depending on who her father is she has the potential to become more of a Red Mage after promotion.
      • Deirdre's daughter Julia is borderline. Much like Claude, she starts out with the capability to use offensive magic, but no offensive magic available for her to use. She's a bit better than her mother at holding her own in combat once she gets an offensive spellbook, but this can be attributed in large part to a spell that also heals herself upon a successful hit. And she's got the personality--like most, a carbon copy of her mother.
      • Nanna is another one whose qualifications are borderline, and perhaps in some ways dependent on her heritage. She's a Troubador, which means Sword and Staff, but due to her mother Lachesis's bloodline she's at the very least guaranteed to get a decent Strength growth, which could be very good with the right father. Her mother doesn't give Pursuit, however, so with a father that fails to remedy this in favor of focusing on other aspects, she could qualify, especially with her Charisma ability which causes her mere presence to give a 10% boost to accuracy and avoid to all units within a three-tile radius. Personality, though, she definitely fits.
      • Corple is a male example. Shows up late in the game at a low level and without any offensive abilities, but strong healing abilities (his mother Silvia also has the Blaggi bloodline, so he'll have a bonus to staff level). If Claude is his father, he'll be probably the best healer in the game.
      • Muirne, Jeanne and Charlot, the replacement characters for Lana, Nanna and Corple respectively, also qualify.
    • Thracia 776: Safy is possibly the straightest example of all, while her sister Tina subverts it via being a Genki Girl and more geared to support than healing.
      • Nanna is probably a straighter example here than she is in Genealogy of the Holy War, though she still has the ability to use swords.
      • Sara is another one who borders on Red Mage territory, but her Staff rank is much higher than her rank in any offensive magic type and she's the only unit capable of using the Stone-curing Kia Staff.
    • Binding Blade:
      • Ellen (Cleric) is the straightest example. Clarine plays the role from a gameplay standpoint (Troubador) but lacks the personality (highly Tsundere, a Lovable Alpha Bitch), and Saul (Priest) could be a male example if not for his Handsome Lech tendencies.
      • Elffin the bard could be considered a male example. His role is strictly support (in gameplay, anyway; he also has plot relevance as he's actually the lost Prince Myrdinn of Etruria), and he's got the kindly personality that his female counterpart Larum (Genki Girl Dancer) lacks.
      • Cecilia may also qualify. She shows up later in the game and as such is already capable of combat as well (Valkyrie), but she's got the personality and is probably best used for support.
    • Blazing Blade: Priscilla, a Troubadour, is a sweet, kind-hearted girl. Her abilities are strictly support until she promotes to a Valkyrie, at which point she moves into Red Mage territory.
    • The Sacred Stones: Natasha, a Cleric who joins up early in the game. Lacks any offensive magic at first, is a Defector From Decadence who hails from the country whose leadership is the antagonists, and quickly manages to win a powerful hired sword to switch sides.
    • Radiant Dawn and Path of Radiance: Rhys is a Rare Male Example, being a gentle healer without any attacks.
      • Laura is a shy, sweet girl healer.
      • Mist starts as one, but by the second game she's more of The Red Mage or a Combat Medic.
    • Fire Emblem Awakening: Lissa and Maribelle are more cheery and more skittish than usual, personality-wise, but fill the role well.
      • Maribelle's future son Brady and a Kellam who's been reclassed as a Priest are great Rare Male Examples.
    • Fire Emblem Fates offers Princess Sakura (Hoshido) and Princess Elise (Nohr). Azama could've been a Rare Male Example but he's snarkier than the standard.
      • The Avatar of either gender can be reclassed into this if s/he has Priest/Cleric or Troubadour as reclass option, or gathers these classes from people s/he befriends or marries. And personality-wise, they do fit.
      • Among the younger cast members, Mitama is a Priestess and Dwyer is a male Troubadour and both are very good healer but, as Azama's daughter and Jakob's son, both are very snarky. Prince Forrest, otoh, is the perfect Rare Male Example - and not only he's also a Troubadour, but he also looks really girly.
    • Fire Emblem: Three Houses has Flayn (all paths save for Crimson Flower/Black Eagles), Mercedes (Azure Moon/Blue Lions) and Marianne (Verdant Wind/Golden Deer). Linhardt is male and snarkier than most, but is still the best and main healer from the Black Eagles.
    • Fire Emblem: Heroes subverts the trope with Loki, but plays it completely straight with Brave Veronica.
  • Carlie of Seiken Densetsu 3, except she used a mace as her weapon. The actual staff-user of the game, Angela, has the personality and skill set of a Black Magician Girl.
  • Disgaea
    • Love Freak Flonne from the first Disgaea.
    • After Disgaea 2, Nippon Ichi games have any generic Healer unit. While the mentor system can be used to get healing magic from one person to another, the Healers are all female, and can wield staves (bows are useful too), and are always dressed in elegant dresses with long hair.
  • Marle from Chrono Trigger, who is also a Rebellious Princess. She's a little more of a tomboy than normal, but she makes up for it by being extra compassionate.
  • Among its massive cast of playable characters, Chrono Cross has Lady Riddel, whose techs are all dedicated to support roles like healing or buffing. There's a few other characters that could be played similarly, like Leena or Irenes.
  • Star Ocean:
  • Princess Peach in Super Mario RPG, though she wields umbrellas, frying pans, fans, and slapping gloves.
  • MOMO from Xenosaga, who starts with a rod and in later games gets upgraded to an ether bow. Ultimately subverted in Episode III, where one of her two development paths turns her into an effective break attacker.
  • Elena of Grandia II is this. She wields a staff, does little in direct combat, has holy-themed magical powers, and is used mostly for healing spells. In fact, true to form, she shares a body with a Dark Magical Girl in the form of the Wings of Valmar.
  • Mint in Tales of Phantasia is the page picture, and the purest example in the Tales (series), having no damaging spells or artes whatsoever (The healers in the other games all fall under Combat Medic). Late in the game, her fairly potent arsenal of heals, cures, stunning hammers and status enhancers is capped off by the power to temporarily stop time. Given, it doesn't work on bosses, but it's freaking sweet to have around.
  • Shana from Legend of Dragoon, who wields a bow and is also a Mysterious Waif. Unlike the other playable characters, her dragoon form has no offensive skills, only healing abilities. Miranda later gains the same skillset and weapon, but her personality is too assertive to quite fit.
  • Fall-From-Grace in Planescape: Torment has the femininity, the nurturing personality and is the only healer found in the game; she only has about one offensive spell and is firmly a support character.
  • Collette of Valkyria Chronicles II fits the personality to a T, and in her primary roles has only healing and support abilities. You can unlock an offensive class for her, but this is non-canon in the story.
  • Fiona from Nostalgia is a Barrier Maiden version of this. With some holy magic mixed in with her predominantly healing and support skills, she often gets paired off with Eddie while Pad and Melody have a more turbulent relationship.
  • Rosea in Valkyrie Profile Covenant of the Plume seems at first like a very generic example of the type, contrasted with the sadomasochistic fire mage Lieselotte. However, each of them blames the other for the murder that got them both exiled. In the neutral path, Lieselotte kills Rosea, speaking afterwards of how it was a fitting punishment for a murderer and a hypocrite. In the evil path, Rosea kills Lieselotte, sacrificing her innocence and becoming a fitting companion for your Villain Protagonist. In the good path, they both kill each other--and only in that path do you find out that neither of them committed the original murder!
  • Wynne from Dragon Age is an rare elderly example of this archetype, being around sixty when she first meets the Warden. Once she joins the group she quickly falls into the role of the resident Healer, frequently is shown to offer kind words of wisdom to various characters and becomes the unofficial Team Mom of the group. Aside from Morrigan, its clear that no-one has a bad thing to say about her.
  • Elena from Street Fighter was portrayed as this for the good guys in the Street Fighter X Darkstalkers UDON comics. She does have many of the personality qualifications, for the role but she was still just as much of a fighter as the rest of the group and a true Action Girl in addition to her healing powers.
  • Lunar: Dragon Song has Lucia and Flora, first starting with Flora who uses a parasol and has weak physical attack but the best healing spells, once she is kidnapped Flora takes over as a Suspiciously Similar Substitute who learns the same healing spells despite her weapon and design being based off an Archer. Worth noting Flora also ALMOST gets kidnapped as Lucia did.
  • Not in the traditional sense but Cindy in Resident Evil Outbreak has low HP, low weapon stats and low movement speed but she is the only survivor who has herbs at the start to heal allies with, could hold more herbs than anyone else (including Yoko and her extra 4 slots) and has the second slowest infection rate of the cast making giving her less reason to take growth stunt pills compared to more combat oriented survivors and she could heal them easily in combat.


  • Goldmoon, from the Dragonlance series, is a prototypical example of this, the bearer of a powerful magical staff who sought to inspire the people to a return to faith in the gods. She is the High Priestess of her people. Goldmoon is a nurturing being and an encouraging and persuasive speaker. Her attire, however, is atypical, as she is a barbarian noble and cleric.

Web Comics[]

  • White Mage in Eight Bit Theater, although her patience and nurturing tendencies are strained to the breaking point by Black Mage's antics.
  • Lumi from Adventurers parodies the typical relationship of White Magician Girl and Hero. However, she was also the last party member to be introduced, so she got far less screen time than most.

Web Original[]