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Wii Sports Resort is the official sequel to the popular game Wii Sports, introducing the Wii Motion Plus accessory that promises true 1:1 Wiimote control.

Unlike Wii Sports, Resort actually gives the player a setting for their activities, the luxurious resort island of Wuhu Island (which is actually the same island you can jog around in Wii Fit), and amps up the original 5 Sports to 12 individual summer sports, all taking place somewhere on the island, and like Wii Sports, all games are played with the remote's motion controls:

  • Swordplay, where the player can pretend their remote is a sword to fight other characters, challenge them to a speed cutting contest where they have to slash in specific directions, or defeat hordes of enemies.
  • Wakeboarding, where the player pretends their remote is the handle of the rope as they attempt to get big air to score major points.
  • Frisbee, where the player can throw Frisbees, either to get a dog to catch them, or to play a game of Frisbee Golf, with some golf courses from the original Wii Sports making a return.
  • Archery, where the player pretends their Wii Remote is the bow, and the Nunchuk is the string, pulling it and aiming for targets at various distances, mobility and wind conditions
  • Basketball, where the player pretends their Wii Remote is a basketball, and either tries a shoot out, or to play a 3-on-3 game.
  • Table Tennis, where the player pretends their Wii Remote is a paddle, and play a basic 6 point match. Wii Play already covered Table Tennis, but this version plays more similarly to Tennis from Wii Sports.
  • Golf, which is pretty much the same as it was in Wii Sports, but with more sophisticated controls and some new courses.
  • Bowling, which is also the same as it was in Wii Sports, but now players can play actual games with 100 pins, or with various obstructions to try and bowl around.
  • Power Cruising, where the player pretends their Wii Remote and Nunchuk are the handles of a jetski, trying to get through rings.
  • Canoeing, where the player pretends their Wii Remote is a paddle, and try to get across further and further distances within a certain amount of time. Up to four players can share a single canoe, where hilarity ensues.
  • Cycling, where the player pretends the Wii Remote and Nunchuk are the pedals of a Bike, using them to gain speed and steer in a race against multiple people. Two players can share a tandem bicycle and co-operate to race together.
  • Air Sports, where the player can sky dive to try and get as many pictures in as many formations with other Miis as possible (this game actually plays the first time you start up the disc!), or engage in an Island Flyover where the player is challenged to fly around the Island and find all the points of interest, including the various locales that the other sports are held, or a Dogfight where two players can fly around the island trying to shoot down each others' balloons.

All modes have stamp cards, which challenge the player to achieve specific objectives in order to collect stamps (such as getting a perfect game in Bowling).

Wii Sports Resort includes examples of:[]

  • Always Night: The 3-Point Contest.
  • Artificial Stupidity: Particuarly evident in Cycling; sometimes the other cyclists will just suddenly swerve to the side... right off a cliff/into the water.
  • Beach Episode: For the Wii series.
  • Casual Video Game
  • The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: In the later stages of Swordplay Duel mode, the opponents begin to hit a LOT harder than you are to able to, and can block your attacks instantaneously.
    • The Champion of Speed Slice has reaction times beyond that of most, if not all human beings. Beating him essentially becomes a Luck-Based Mission where the winning point is decided on guesswork.
  • Cosmetic Award: The stamps you gain by performing certain tasks in each of the games. They tend to be based on reaching certain thresholds of skill, with the highest ones requiring perfect games in some instances.
    • A particularly Egregious example is the final reward for Island Flyover. Most of the other rewards are pretty cool and affect gameplay in some way (alternate times of day, upgrades to the plane, and so on). So, how does the game reward you for finding all 80 info points? You get a tiny shack that has a flag with your face on it. Yep.
  • Dark-Skinned Blond: NPC Miis Emma and Stéphanie.
  • Everything Fades: The items you chop up in Speed Slice mode just fade out of existence after being cut. The opponents in Showdown on the other hand swell up, turn blue and then disappear in a flash of light when knocked down.
  • Genius Loci: Sort of - according to Miyamoto, Wuhu Island is the game's "mascot" of sorts.
  • Hammerspace: Where Matt pulls the items you have to cut up in Speed Slice.
    • Ryan uses it to the same extent when you face the Speed Slice Champion.
  • Irony: Ryan is the worst fencer in all Swordplay modes, whereas Matt, the Speed Slice judge is the Champion. Guess who shows up to serve as referee for the Champion match in Speed Slice.
  • Killer App
  • Loads and Loads of Characters: Wii Sports had 60 opponent Miis. Wii Sports Resort gives you 100 to battle against.
  • Multi Mook Melee: The entire point of Swordplay Showdown mode.
  • Nintendo Hard: Lucia, champion of Table Tennis.
  • No Arc in Archery: Averted in Archery.
  • Non Lethal Bottomless Pits: Fall off the track while Cycling, and you'll just get transported back close to where you fell off. Interestingly enough, this doesn't apply to the CPU cyclists.
  • One Steve Limit: All the opponent Miis have unique names, although some sound very similar to each other (eg. Steve, Steph and Stéphanie)
  • Palmtree Panic: The entire game, really, but special mention goes to Frisbee Dog.
  • Pandering to the Base: When unveiled at E3, it was specifically noted that 1/1 sword fighting was long requested.
  • Powerpuff Girl Hands: Just like in the game's predecessor, the Miis can partake in a wide array of sports despite this impediment.
  • Rubber Band AI: The further ahead you are compared to the AI in Speed Slice, the faster it reacts. This works both ways, as it will also have more delay if you are lagging behind.
  • Scenery Porn: Yes, it's a Wii Sports game, but Wuhu Island is quite pretty.
  • Smashing Watermelons: Giant watermelons show up occasionally in Speed Slice. Along with cakes, pencils, and bombs.
  • Spiritual Successor: The Power Cruising mode to the Wave Race series. The developers of Wave Race actually worked on the mode.
  • Unlockable Content
  • A Winner Is You: The celebration for bowling a perfect game is less than spectacular.
  • Wide Open Sandbox: Island Flyover and Power Cruising's Practice mode.