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A WikiFallen is a troper that has fallen from the path of troping in one way or another. They either have become a malicious WikiTroll for one reason or another, have been unable to resolve conflicts with other tropers in a constructive way, or have simply lost faith in the troping process and have acted in a manner that resulted in their being blocked from edited.

Regardless, while they might be "exiled" from interacting with the rest of ATT's WikiFauna, this is usually not permanently, and it is possible for the WikiFallen to redeem themselves and join the ATT community again, depending on whatever it was that resulted in their becoming WikiFallen.

However, even if they cannot regain their place on ATT, the other WikiFauna are discouraged from speaking ill of the WikiFallen or harassing/trolling them away from the wiki, lest they become WikiFallen themselves.

If anything, Tropedia believes in forgiveness, and hopes for the redemption of all WikiFallen who seek it.