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  • Angst? What Angst?: Before Jude's mother dies, at least.
  • Anvilicious: We get it, war is bad. (But then again, Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped.)
  • Complete Monster: The posthumous creator of the doll twins is implied to have been one, to the point that Lambda executed him personally.
  • Crazy Awesome: Balgaine begins his battle with you chopping a train car into bits with his anti-tank chainsaw while riding a jetpack. Also the infamous flying with guns scene with Gawn.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Buried City
  • Game Breaker: Raquel, period. She's supposed to be the Mighty Glacier, but she ends up being the fastest, most mobile character in the game thanks to her "Intrude" Force Power (which grants her an additional action and can be used up to four times in one turn with a full FP gauge) and her "Move & Attack" passive ability. This basically means that despite having the lowest RFX stat (which determines turn order), Raquel can engage the enemy before anyone else and often kill them in the same turn. With the game awarding a substantial experience point bonus to the character that lands the killing blow, this also means that Raquel has a habit of blasting past the others to become your highest-level character and never looking back. Take note, she's dying in this game.
  • Inferred Holocaust: So, what happened to all those Wild ARM monsters rampaging throughout Filgaia?