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Wildguns16 2350

Annie: Let's go, Clint!
Clint: Okay, Annie!


Wild Guns is a fixed-view Third-Person Shooter developed by Natsume for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, released in Japan in 1994 and the United States a year later. A PAL version was published by Titus software a year after that. If you've played Cabal, Blood Bros., or Nam 1975, you'll be familiar with the concept, as this sort of game is rather rare and hard to describe. Essentially, your character is standing in the foreground shooting at enemies in the background, and the directional pad controls both lateral movement and the position of the on-screen crossshair.

The rather thin premise is as follows. Frontier settler Annie's family was attacked and a number of them were killed by a major bandit lord and his cronies. Annie enlists the aid of Bounty Hunter Clint in order to track down said bandit lord and exact her revenge. Standard western plot, no? Well, here's the twist. It's a Western with futuristic tech! IN SPACE! Annie and Clint are armed with automatic weapons, and the bandit lord and his men also have automatics, in addition to turret-equipped buggies, robotic gunmen, floating gun drones, flamethrowing tanks and Humongous Mecha that possess the power of Gatling Good.

The game is fast-paced, with much Fake Difficulty averted by means of a little text bubble appearing above your character's head that says "Look Out!" when an enemy projectile is headed your way, giving you the opportunity to jump or dodge out of the way. The game features a range of weapons and power-ups, detailed, destructible environments and cool bosses, and an original soundtrack.

Tropes used in Wild Guns include: