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When Sachie Wakamura loses her mother, her estranged grandfather suddenly shows up to care for her, only to find out that her grandfather is actually the head of a Yakuza gang and she's a Mafia Princess, with the ever popular and infuriating Rakuto Igurashi as her guardian. Now Sachie's just trying to live a normal life while in a house filled with gang members, and trying to find out what exactly is Rakuto's deal...

Wild Ones employs the following tropes:[]


 Kayo: Hey, hey, what do you want to do?

Sachie: Go to Irashi Yama to eat boiled tofu and eel; it sounds yummy. After that I want to try an outside cafe and eat things like warabi mochi. Yes, and buy souvenirs for Grandpa and the others like black seven spice blend and dried sardines...

Kayo: There's more than eating to do!


 Azuma: Why didn't you say anything about my confession!? How long do you intend to keep your composure? Come on! Get serious!

Rakuto: Shut up! You don't know anything! Composure? I already lost that a long time ago! Since that text message I haven't been able to get a wink of sleep thinking, while you were snoring away. Do you know? I can make my own confession, but that would cause problems!

    • Note that their entire class was watching this match and heard everything completely out of context. The best part is when a student bursts into Sachie's classroom to announce what's going on: