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When Sachie Wakamura loses her mother, her estranged grandfather suddenly shows up to care for her, only to find out that her grandfather is actually the head of a Yakuza gang and she's a Mafia Princess, with the ever popular and infuriating Rakuto Igurashi as her guardian. Now Sachie's just trying to live a normal life while in a house filled with gang members, and trying to find out what exactly is Rakuto's deal...
Wild Ones employs the following tropes:[]
- Aborted Declaration of Love
- Abusive Parents: Rakuto's parents are kind of shitty, as far as parents go. Especially the mom...Christ, what kind of parent tells their son she can't go to his school play because she's got better things to do and routinely calls him 'worthless'? And this all happens when Rakuto's in kindergarden.
- A Day in the Limelight: Yasu with his 'Sakura Blossom Fairy' arc. Turned out to be surprisingly bittersweet
- Almost Kiss: At least three of these between Sachie and Rakuto in every. Single. Volume. And there are ten volumes.
- Always Someone Better: Rakuto and Azuma's relationship seem to consist entirely of Rakuto beating Azuma at Everything Ever, up to the point where Azuma is now The Chew Toy.
- Beautiful Dreamer: The closest Sachie's ever come to overcoming her Oblivious to Love persona is when she sees Rakuto sleeping.
- Berserk Button: Do NOT waste food in front of Sachie...
- And for Azuma, just anything to do with Rakuto.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Sachie's the sweetest, most clueless girl around until you press her Berserk Button...
- Big Eater: Sachie. When she goes on a class trip to Kyoto, all she can think about is trying the food there.
Kayo: Hey, hey, what do you want to do? |
- Bodyguard Crush: Guess.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: During Rakuto and Azuma's tennis match when they're arguing over their feelings towards Sachie, and this results in statements like these:
Azuma: Why didn't you say anything about my confession!? How long do you intend to keep your composure? Come on! Get serious! |
- Note that their entire class was watching this match and heard everything completely out of context. The best part is when a student bursts into Sachie's classroom to announce what's going on:
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Every single moment that passes between Azuma and Yuzuki--from when they're both scrabbling frantically among the dirt to find a four leaf clover so they can wish for their respective grandfather and grandmother to be healthy, to how Azuma gives Yuzuki the shell necklace he originally bought for Sachie.
- Disappeared Dad: Rakuto's dad.
- Doting Grandparent: Raizo cares for Sachie a lot, and genuinely wants her to be happy.
- Everything's Better with Sparkles: Have we mentioned that whenever Rakuto is being
evilcharming he sparkles? A lot? - Fan Service: Rakuto's waiter outfit, and Sachie's maid outfit in volume 6.
- Holding Hands: There are a lot of instances between Sachie and Rakuto, but some particularly significant examples include when they both go out to celebrate New Year's after they've confessed to each other and Sachie forgets her gloves, leading Rakuto to hold her hands.
- Another instance is after Sachie's graduated and going to the University of Kyoto with Rakuto, where the last couple of shots in the manga are of Sachie's and Rakuto's hands entwined together.
- Hot-Blooded: Amusingly enough, Sachie, whenever she gets riled up. These moments usually result in a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
- Ho Yay: In spades, between Azuma and Rakuto.
- Luminescent Blush: Sachie sports this quite a few times. Usually near Rakuto.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy
- Meganekko: Rakuto occasionally dons glasses when he's being a Sadist Teacher. You could hear the fangirls squealing a mile away.
- Moe: Yuzuki. She's an adorable six year old completely devoted to her grandmother and the makings of The Determinator. You can't help but want to hug her.
- Moment Killer: Just as Rakuto's about to confess his love...in bursts his dad. And all the fandom screamed in frustration.
- Also deliberately invoked by Azuma, who surprises Sachie and Rakuto with a cat mask before things could get too serious.
- Not So Stoic: Rakuto has his moments. They either end in a Crowning Moment of Funny or a Tear Jerker.
- Oblivious to Love: After eight volumes of wondering why her heart beats so fast and her temperature rises every time she's near Rakuto, Sachie's still pretty oblivious.
- Older Than They Look: Sachie's homeroom teacher, Chi-Chan. Much to his displeasure.
- Running Gag: Sachie running into the bathroom while Rakuto is still using it and being completely oblivious about his nakedness.
- Sadist Teacher: Rakuto, according to Sachie.
- Ship Tease: This is a shoujo manga. What do you expect?
- Sleep Cute
- Spell My Name with an "S": Even the manga company themselves cannot agree on how to spell Sachi's first name.
- Stepford Smiler: Rakuto is bit of a one. He seems cool and completely put together, but a lot of it's a cover to hide his cripplingly low self esteem.
- Supreme Chef: Sachie; she actually wants to open her own restaurant when she gets older.
- The Stoic: Rakuto. And that really pisses Azuma off.
- Together Umbrella
- Triang Relations: Type 4; both Rakuto and Azuma have some pretty obvious feelings towards Sachie, but Sachie sees Azuma as a friend and only has eyes for Rakuto.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: Sachie and Rakuto are this to each other, if Sachie ever realises that Rakuto is her first love.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Azuma and Rakuto, though they'd never admit the 'best buds' part.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Rakuto, of course.