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"Get Ready to Rock!" |
Long ago, Zeus and the other Greek gods ruled over Greece from Mount Olympus. After the Roman invasion, the servants of Zeus were sealed away for good.
Present: The Badass Normal Willbert Rockwell (Will Rock for short) is visiting Greece with his archeologist girlfriend Emma and her father when they got kidnapped by the ORA (Olympian Restoration Army), a fanatical movement whose members want to restore the old gods and force the two archeologists to break the seal to Zeus' prison. The god and his army of monsters are freed, and the ORA bring Will's fiancée to Zeus in order to offer her as a bride and kill her father.
With the help of Prometheus and with a lot of guns, Will must make his way through armies of monsters, weirdoes and beasts in order to stop Zeus before he conquers the world.
The game itself is not really well known, but has often been compared to the Serious Sam series.
- Abnormal Ammo: Some of your weapons shoot Arrows on Fire, acid and petrifying gas.
- The Cycolps enemies will eat some earth and spit fiery stones at you.
- Armor of Invincibility: The Immortality Titan Power makes you unkillable for 30 seconds.
- Asteroids Monster: If you kill a Minotaur, he will split into two Blood Minotaurs.
- Automatic Crossbow: It also serves as Sniper Rifle and Kill It with Fire.
- Awesome but Impractical: The Special Guns (Sniper Crossbow, Acid, Medusa and Atomic Gun are undeniably cool, but they have low ammo. If used at short range, they can damage you as well.
- The sniper crossbow in particular does a ton of damage, but has the problem of being a slow, precision weapon in a game where how many enemies you can kill every second translates directly into how long you can hope to survive.
- Awesome McCoolname: The protagonist is called Will Rock!
- Awesome Yet Practical: The Minigun and Fireball Thrower.
- Badass Normal: Will Rock himself.
- Badass Boast: Will does many in game.
Will:"I'll make you shit your diapers!" |
- BFG: The Fireball Thrower, the Minigun and the Atomic Gun.
- Big Bad: Zeus
- Blatant Item Placement
- Booby Trap: Quite a few in earlier levels, usually Spikes of Doom, spears coming out of the walls and a Smashing Hallway Traps of Doom.
- Boring but Practical: You can win the game using nothing but the Shotgun, Machinegun and Minigun.
- Boss Rush: on Mount Olympus. Sort of, since the first two are also Degraded Boss and you have to fight several of them.
- Bottomless Magazines: the Pistol
- Bullet Time: The Titan Motion works like this.
- Check Point
- Conservation of Ninjutsu: Averted. There's a reason why enemies tend to storm you in large packs....
- Convection, Schmonvection
- Cool Guns: Many of the previously mentioned "special guns".
- Deadpan Snarker: Will.
- Deadly Lunge: Some of the skeletons will jump at you in an attempted kamikaze assault.
- Degraded Boss: The Cyclops. It starts as a Powerful Boss and ends up being a Giant Mook in the next level. Also Hephaestus
- Dem Bones: Some of them were Centaurs.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Yes, you'll get the chance to Nuke Zeus to oblivion!
- Emergency Weapon: Your pistol and a Shovel. Said shovel can easily one-shot many enemies.. if you get close enough. And the pistol has unlimited ammo and shoots as fast as you can click, which makes it quite practical against low-level enemies.
- Everything Fades
- Exploding Barrels: Why they're scattered around old Greek ruins is still a mystery..
- Fauns and Satyrs: They shoot arrows at you. And like Namekians, they don't have penises.
- Feathered Fiend: Eagle-like Harpies. They have the nasty habit of tossing explosive fireballs at you.
- Fireballs: The main weapon of some enemies and bosses.
- Flunky Boss: All of them.
- Four Is Death: There are Four main bosses. Yet, it may be a coincidence..
- Freeze Ray: The Medusa Gun, only with stone.
- Gatling Good: The Machinegun is weak, but can fire 1,000 bullets non-stop. The Minigun is limited but more powerful.
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere: Okay, you could easily see Medusa coming as a boss the first time (since the whole area is named Medusa's Lair). However, her second unexpected appearance out of thin air on Mount Olympus is like this
- God Is Evil: Zeus.
- Living Statues: Some of them shoot lasers at you, while others will stand up and toss fiery disks and huge stones at you.
- Gorgeous Gorgon: Averted. However, she actually look like the traditional one
- Grimy Water: Only lava and acid will Insta-kill you, while on the other hand swimming in large pools/rivers of water will attract some huge hungry crocodiles...
- Hell Hound: Orthuses attack by spitting fireballs and acid.
- Homing Projectile: Hephaestus' and Medusa's attacks are like this.
- Hyperspace Arsenal
- Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels: Will Win, Will Rock and Will Die, respectively.
- Improbable Aiming Skills: Every single enemy with a weapon, and not just throwing daggers, tridents, spears and arrows, but also battle axes and morningstars!
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Will is largely guilty of this in game.
Will (after killing a Minotaur):" Bullseye!" |
- Jerkass God: Again, Zeus.
- Large Ham: Prometheus. Full stop.
Prometheus: "TITAN DAMAGE!!" |
- Lead the Target: Unusually for an FPS, the monsters get quite good at it on the hardest difficulty level. The usually life-saving strafing will get you killed if you move in a straight line.
- Lethal Lava Land: Part of the Underworld of Tartarus and the inside of Mount Olympus.
- A Load of Bull: Minotaurs are common mooks.
- Locked Door: This occurs often, and you have to find the right key or kill a determined number of monsters.
Prometheus: "Find the Key!". |
- Ludicrous Gibs: Using the Machinegun or the Acid Gun on enemies implies this, but it's not shown.
- Medusa: She appears twice as a boss. That One Boss...
- Oddly, she doesn't have her typical Taken for Granite powers..
- Mighty Glacier: Cyclops and Hephaestus are really hard to bring down without the proper weapon.
- Misplaced Wildlife: The only possible explanation for the presence of tigers, lions and crocodiles in Greece.
- More Dakka: Minigun and Machinegun weapons.
- Mooks: Skeletons. Also the "Gladiators" and Satyrs.
- Mythology Upgrade: Since when did Minotaurs split in two when hit and Medusa shot homing fireballs out of her eyes?
- Never Smile At a Crocodile
- Nuke'Em: The Atomic Gun literally melt enemies to ashes!
- Our Centaurs Are Different: Fast-moving monsters armed with tridents.
Will: "Sooo... which one of your parents was a horse?" |
- Our Gods Are Greater: More in the physical sense of the word with Zeus, who's simply gargantuan.
- Orcus on His Throne: Zeus.
- Oxygen Meter: When you go underwater.
- Panthera Awesome: Mocked by Will.
Will: "Nine lives my ass!" |
- Papa Wolf: Will's girlfriend's father was a simple archeologist, but when the ORA took her away as sacrifice, he stood up and started gunning them down. Sadly, he got Killed Off for Real.
- Power-Up: you can use the gold you find around to purchase the Powers of the Titans at a Titan Altar. You can get Immortality, Titan Motion and Titan Damage.
- Rodents of Unusual Size: Of the Exploding type.
- Rewarding Vandalism: Destroy some statues in order to gain gold.
- Shock and Awe: Zeus, of course..
- Shout-Out: many.
Will (after killing a centaur):" Give my regards to Mister Ed!" |
- Besides, the Cyclops are based on the one that appears in Sindbad.
- Short-Range Shotgun: Averted, the Shotgun actually has an exquisite range.
- Shotguns Are Just Better: Played straight, it's one of the best weapons.
- Spikes of Doom: Usually placed in pits.
- Spirit Advisor: Prometheus, during the game.
- Stationary Boss: Zeus will stand still at the top of his throne and summon red thunderbolts to strike you down.
- you can obtain an easy victory by reaching the top and going right under his feet, where he can't reach you
- Suspicious Videogame Generosity: Yes indeed! As soon as you see a wide-open space with lots of ammo, healthpacks and a new shiny weapon, prepare yourself!
- Taken for Granite: The Medusa Gun. Oddly, it can one-shot Living Statues.....
- Teleporting Keycard Squad: Enemies will often pop out of the ground when you pick an item.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: When you shoot Eroses, Harpies or Skeletons pack with the Fireball Thrower, the Minigun or the Atomic Gun may result in this.
- Too Awesome to Use: The Atomic Gun, because it's hard to find ammo for it.
- Winged Humanoid: the Ugly Cute Eros. They're also quite disturbing, since they literally cry like babies.
- You Have Failed Me...: an interesting variation: Prometheus says this if you get killed.