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"You know, we can sleep together if you want... the host only said [no] co-ed..."
—Joshua, right before the infamous "sleep" scene.


The following film may not be suitable for small children under the age of fourteen. Due to:
Gay images
Disturbing images
Violent action
Rough language
Bloody sections.


A mysterious Total Drama Island Fan Film that's been appearing and vanishing on YouTube, animated (or created?) by someone only known as "Hijotee", who admitted to taking drugs in a semi-related video.

The fic is odder than it sounds. Nine of the contestants from Canon[1] along with Original Character Joshua (who looks like Cody only with different colored hair and outfit) are put into five teams of two in a(n unnamed) reality show/summer camp hosted by Chris. They compete in challenges (which are usually some form of racing) for points. Nobody is eliminated, and the team to get up to three points wins.

However, one thing making it noticeable is the main pairing. Cody is paired up with the original character (who disturbingly looks like him). Because of this, the film was torn between several hating flamers and people who just go "What, Cody isn't gay like that", to the point where eventually Hijotee got several accounts hacked and videos removed, and eventually (s)he got a defending fan club.

The first part can be seen here.

Tropes used in William Country include:
  • Bleep, Dammit!: The censorship in this is rather inconsistent. Sometimes words are bleeped, sometimes they aren't. Sometimes "sleep" scenes are shown, sometimes there's a cutaway. This is possibly lampshaded when a screen pops up saying that the film is unrated.
  • Breakout Character: Cody is the center of the plot, to the point where there are some people who don't even really speak.
  • Crack Fic: Literally. See what do you mean it wasn't made on drugs bellow.
  • Demoted to Extra: Everyone who isn't Cody, the OC Joshua, or Chris. Katie and Sadie don't even talk until near the final challenges, Owen only has a few lines, Gwen even fewer, Heather also does not have that many lines and only tries to be the villain once, Duncan and Trent are mute and do not do anything plot related, LeShawna is also mute and only won a challenge, and the other campers either don't show up at all or are just reduced to cameos/small appearances.
  • Everybody Remembers the Stripper: This film contains Cody being gay with another Cody for just a few sections. Guess what all the comments where about.
    • Any errors in the film (minus the weird-Lindsay thing mentioned below), such as when there are two Owens.[2]
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Possibly an error, but in the video, Lindsay is seen at the beginning of part three running with everyone else in the background (despite not being in the game), then grows wings and flies (hard to see, but still). Then, it turns out that she has talons as feet.
  • Mind Screw: The film is uploaded out of order most of the time. The titles don't help: the beginning could be named "Total Drama [recent season name here] part 3" while a later part could be named "Total Drama [recent season name here] part 1". Or all could be "Total Drama [season] Episode 1 part 1". Not to mention all the bizarre sequences, such as a random playthrough of a Guitar Hero clone.
  • Obligatory Swearing/Precision F-Strike: Owen ("I'm fat, I can't carry that shit!"), Chris ("...Just get to the [BLEEP] tenth challenge!"), and Cody ("I'm fucking Canadian!").
  • Off-Model: A few instances. One such is Trent in the mine cart challenge, where he doesn't have any hands through out most of it.
  • Pair the Spares: Every team (except Katie and Sadie, along with possibly Owen and Gwen) appears to be in a relationship. Especially Trent and LeShawna, even though they were never seen talking.
  • Palette Swap: Joshua is one of Cody, and a color swapped Lindsay comes out of Cody's house at the beginning to say goodbye.
  • Plot Hole: Cody says he's from "L.A.", but later a word bubble says he's "fucking Canadian."
  • The Quiet One: Trent, Leshawna, and Sadie.
  • Samus Is a Girl: Hijotee, apparently, who was actually the animator while the fic was writen and voiced by two friends. However, either they all take drugs or said friends easily let Hijotee's Non Sequitur Scenes slip by, or Hijotee was making it up. After all, Kevin's games (the supposed creator said in the beginning) does not even exist.
  • Serious Business: "OMG Cody is gay with a re-color of himself!! WTF THIS SUCKS!"—Typical comment.
  • Sexy Discretion Shot: Played straight the first time Cody and Joshua sleep, but then averted HARD.
  • Ship Tease: See screw yourself, and this:

Owen: I'm going to be with this really hot chick (Gwen).

  • Sound Effect Bleep: Oddly used and averted in various places in the film. The bleeps are near the end, for some reason, even after the fan film gave a message that it was unrated.
  • Take Our Word for It: Nearly everything about this film, unless we have the whole thing in a way that it's not vanishing all the time.
  • Understatement: Chris says that the first challenge (canoe racing) is a "little intense" as in: starting out be a water fall and racing up stream.
  1. Cody, Duncan, Gwen, Heather, LeShawna, Owen, Katie, Sadie, and Trent
  2. Caused by him appearing in a looping-background, then appearing in the fore-ground to talk to Cody and Joshua at the same time