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This film was part of TDI's cannon, just a hallucination by Cody.[]

Self explanitory.

Hijotee doesn't take crack...[]

The entire thing is really a Troll Fic. And...

If the above is true, then every time Cody is paired up with Noah, Hijotee plans another sequel to this.[]

As a Take That. He's failing horribly, as not even the first one is finished yet.

Hijotee only saw two episodes before he made this:[]

  1. The not so happy campers (part one)
  2. Up the creek

Look, anyone who saw the other parts before they where taken down will see no other footage from other episodes. It explains why the campers voted off before up the creek only had short apperences or not in at all (Ezekiel, Noah, Justin and Tyler are not in this and Eva only shows in a cameo in part one).

Sierra made it.[]

It makes sense and explains everything!