Big Lipped Alligator Moment: Cody smoking before the first challenge, Eva being half cut off (the bus ride), the sleep scene, Owen wanting his team to be called "the STDs", a disclaimer showing up to say that the film is now unrated, two wholly beavers suddenly humping after eating 8 of the campers, the list goes on. And the longest: the "Let's do it" part.
Crack Pairing: Cody and Joshua. Also, Owen/Gwen (hinted), Trent/LeShawna (look at the beginning), and possibly Duncan/Heather (though that isn't crack: the series hinted it).
Die for Our Ship: One of the main reasons why this fan film is hated is because Cody is paired up with a guy looking like him and not Noah or Gwen.
Fetish Retardant: Even Yaoi Fangirls may not like second "sleep" part A.K.A. the "Let's do it" part. It starts off odd with several random cuts, but then THIS FILM IS NOW UNRATEDMUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!Let's MPEG this fucker, bitch! FUCK THAT STEVEN BITCH!
Hate Dumb: A lot of TDI fans, especially those who are fans of Cody, hate this film.
Padding: The entire beginning. First, there's a long opening screen saying what the title is and that is was created by "Kevin's game" (which doesn't exist) and Kevin Ventura, then a long sequence of trees that show the same thing (this fan film has two openings, apparently), then a long bus ride. The challenges themselfs may qualify, as they are mostly montages with next-to-no Character Development.
So Bad It's Good: The sheer nonsense of some of the more random scenes plus the odd animation arguably make it this.