The Fizzy Lifting Drinks room wasn't going to kill Charlie and Grandpa Joe. Notice Grandpa Joe's hand as it goes up into the rotating fan blade: it clearly hits a plate of glass, even though he tries to hide it. This must therefore be another one of Wonka's illusions.
Slugworth offers riches for a contestant to steal an Everlasting Gobstopper. However, earlier in the film, it was established that no one entered or left the factory for three years. There's no way Slugworth would have even conceived of such a prototype unless he was under the employ of Willy Wonka himself.
Speaking of Willy Wonka, can we take a moment and discuss how absurdly terrifying this man is? What makes Wonka so frightening? It's not his crazy factory or the disturbing surrealist poetry readings on his boat, it's when he says at the end that the children who were shot through tubes, turned into blue berries, dropped down chutes, and microsized will be "back to their old horrid selves in no time." That's right folks, Willy Wonka wasn't trying to impart some bratty kids with a much needed aesop; he knows they're all a lost cause. He's just tormenting them for his own personal amusement, because, well, why not?
He also said that the kids will be a "little wiser". Suggesting that the kids will learn something from all this.