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Wimzie's House is an American preschool puppet series that ran for 65 episodes from 1995-1996 on CINAR.

The show was about a 5 year old dragon bird girl named Wimzie whose parents worked all day, so her grandma Yaya ran a mini daycare center. The charges of the daycare are Wimzie, her 18 month old brother Bo, a 5 year old Goblin named Jonas who loves science, his 3 year old sister Loulou who loves to be with the bigger kids and a 4 year old troll named Horace who isn't very bright.

In each episode they learn lessons and flip over to semi-related songs out of the blue twice an episode.

In 1999 The Jim Henson company issued a lawsuit against the company due to the puppets looking a little too much like official Muppets.

Tropes used in Wimzie's House include:
  • Barefoot Cartoon Animal: Bo.
  • Cute Little Fangs: Bo.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Some of the characters in the American show are voiced by Jane Woods, Holly Gauthier-Frankel and Jennifer Seguin the actresses and Ajay Fry and Bruce Dinsmore the actors from The Little Lulu Show. Wimzie is Lulu Moppet, Baby Bo is Alvin Jones, Wimzie and Baby Bo's Mom is Gertie's Mom, Lou Lou is Gertie Green Bean and Gloria Goode Darling and Horace is Tubby Tompkins.