I don't want any more bullshit any time during the day. From anyone. That includes me!
—Jack Rebney
In the late 1980s, Jack Rebney recorded a series of RV sales videos for Winnebago Industries. In the process, Rebney frequently flubbed his lines, and became incredibly flustered to the point where he was swearing left, right and centre, with all the profanity-laden outtakes caught on tape.
The tapes circulated underground for years, until the advent of YouTube, which brought the video to a global audience of millions, and earning Rebney the title of the "Angriest Man In The World". Director Ben Steinbauer set out to find out more about the video's origins, and what became of Rebney himself - the "Winnebago Man".
'Winnebago Man provides examples of:[]
- Badass Grandpa: In the words of an audience-goer interviewed for the film, "he's everybody's grandpa". Even after hitting 80, he's still opinionated and salty-mouthed.
- Documentary
- Cluster F-Bomb: And how.
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: At the end, when Jack Rebney is finally brought out of his reclusion, he realises that his audience is laughing with him, not at him, renewing his faith in the human condition.
- Fly Crazy
- Hilarity Ensues
- Shouted Out:
- In Iron Man 2, during Howard Stark's film reel to Tony: "I'm Howard Stark... and on behalf of everybody at Stark Industries, I would like to show you... my ass."
- Ben Affleck in Surviving Christmas.