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  • Season 3's cafeteria spinner. In the second subround, a huge lump of tomato sauce caused all five contestants on the spinner to wipe out at once! (Complete with super-super-slow-mo replay of the sauce being thrown out.)
  • Jacob "Crunch Time" Mann, who does the splits on the Big Balls.
  • Ariel "Never-Been-Kissed" (and later "Kissaholic") Tweeto, in her entirety, though particularly her inability to see a pole right in front of her.
  • In another episode, they happen to mention aliens... then the whole contest briefly falls into sheer insanity.
  • "Ragin' Cajun" William Davis Jr. must simply be seen to be believed. Most of his qualifier round run was spent yelling at the course (or just yelling).
  • The "Hotties vs. Nerds" episode has the Total Carnage course, where once the game started, nearly four-fifths of the contestants got knocked out by the first arm.
    • Hell, the whole "Hotties vs. Nerds" episode is one hilarious moment after the other.
  • Once "Couples" episode featured two hilarious moments involving a giant airbag- one contestant is thrown through the air, doing a cartwheel in the process... and another is thrown into the air and apparently doesn't come down until after the commercial break!
  • The tribute to "Real Men of Genius"-based tribute to the inventors of their obstacles:

 Here's to you, Crazy Obstacle Inventor Guy!

(Mr. Crazy Obstacle Inventor Guy!)

Others have made 25 foot slides, but only you would point it straight into a giant spinning snowflake.

(Oh god, my knee just touched my forehead!)

No sane person would build a pneumatic penguin that throws people into a 900 gallon vat of eggs. Because that's straight-up crazypants! But for you, that's just another day at the office.

(Don't forget the salmon!)

Only a mind like yours could look at an innocent platform next to the big balls and say, "Hey! I bet that would make a great slingshot for human beings!"

(Using people as projectiles!)

Go ahead and take a bow, o king of the qualifier! You've made your mark by making other people fall down.

(Mr. Crazy Obstacle Inventor Guuuyyyy!)

  • Heck, almost anytime a contestant fails the obstacle course and falls into the liquid. Especially when it involved the Big Balls.