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The ninth movie in the DC Extended Universe Wonder Woman 1984 is the sequel to Wonder Woman.
As the title indicates, it's the year 1984. After Diana gets more accustomed to the world of mortals, she has new challenges to face: the sinister businessman Maxwell Lord and the ferocious Cheetah. In addition, she has to deal with something she wasn't prepared for: a very much alive Steve Trevor.
Tropes used in Wonder Woman 1984 include:
- Adaptation Name Change: Maxwell Lord's true name is Maxwell Lorenzano.
- Adaptational Badass: Never has Lord been a Reality Warper. The most he got in the comics was a tad of mind control.
- Adaptational Jerkass: Lord is never the best person in the world but this one is a sleazy conman. Though he ends the story repentant.
- Be Careful What You Wish For: The Dreamstone. It gives you what you want but in a Jackass Genie manner that takes away the best parts of you.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: The only person that Maxwell Lord even slightly cares about is his son.
- Evil Is Hammy: Pedro Pascal clearly had a lot of fun playing Maxwell Lord.
- Grand Theft Me: Diana's wish causes Steve Trevor to bodyjack a random mortal.
- Jackass Genie: Maxwell Lord in the end. Not due to malice but simply because he never pauses to consider the wish's long term consequences. But the Dreamstone itself seems a more tradiational form of this.
- Karma Houdini: Both Lord and Cheetah escape at the end of the movie with little to no consequences.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Maxwell Lord owes quite a bit of his physical appearance, though not much in the way of personality, to Donald Trump.
- Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: Lord's Latino accents slips into his tone whenever he gets angry.
- Reality Warper: The Dreamstone.
- Superman Stays Out of Gotham: Justified. The other heroes aren't active in The Eighties.
- Took a Level In Badass: Diana has been pushing and expanding her powers since the last movie ended, showing off an impressive range of moves and abilities.