These things about Wonder Woman 1984 are subjective - not everyone will agree with all of them.
- Contested Sequel: The first film was always a Tough Act to Follow. Reception to this one either quite a drop because of some Designated Hero moments or approval that it allowed for more Worldbuilding of Wonder Woman lore, the villains in particular.
- Designated Hero: Not many fans think highly of the fact that Diana had sex with Steve while he was possessing another man's body.
- Designated Villain: The film portrays Barbara's Start of Darkness as her beating up a man. Expect that it's the second time that man has made an unwanted sexual advance on her. And given his slimy persona, one can't really fault her for wanting to make the message explicit.
- Harsher in Hindsight: A pastiche of Donald Trump sends an angry mob to storm the streets of Washington. Roughly a month after the film premiered, the actual Trump followed suit.
- Hollywood Homely: The allegedly untouchable Minerva is played by Kristen Wiig doing a Cute Clumsy Girl routine.
- Older Than They Think: Despite many reviewers thinking that Maxwell Lord was meant to be a Take That at then-sitting US President Donald Trump, DC Comics has a long history of using Trump's appearance for various Corrupt Corporate Executives, even using him as a template for Lex Luthor at one point. Even beyond that, Lord's appearance is his only real similarity to Trump.
- One-Scene Wonder: Lynda Carter cameos as Asteria.
- She Really Can Act: Kristen Wiig's acting capabilities were never in doubt but given that she was best known for her time on Saturday Night Live, people did doubt her ability to act in a serious role. She proved all of her naysayers quite wrong.
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