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File:Rsz word world.webp

Left to right: Sheep, Duck, Dog, Ant, Pig, Bear and Frog.


WordWorld! (WordWorld!)

Welcome to the place

Where words come alive

Let's build a word!

WordWorld! (WordWorld!)

Jump to the beat!

Clap your hands in the air!

Let's build a word!

WordWorld! (WordWorld!)
—The first lines of the show's Expository Theme Tune

WordWorld is a very odd preschool show that centers on Funny Animals and a non-anthro dog—who are all living words. They can build new things out of letters. If you need a house, just build one out of the appropriate letters.

The series premiered on PBS on September 3, 2007, and was produced by WTTW Chicago. The series received critical acclaim and awards. The show ended on January 24, 2011, but it can still be seen in reruns on PBS Kids affiliates, particularly the 24/7 kids channel.

It's time to build a trope, let's build it, let's build it now! T-R-O-P-E (KIDS: Trope!) Yeah, we just built a trope, we built it, we built it!: