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It's the last one you'll ever take. |
The Wrong Turn franchise is a series of horror films from mid 2000's.
The first three films center around a similar premise: A bunch of city people wander into backwoods of West Virginia and encounter inbred cannibal hillbillies later named the Hilikers.
The first film was released in 2003, which was followed by two Direct to DVD sequels: Wrong Turn 2: Dead End in 2007 and Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead in 2009. A winter-set fourth film, subtitled Bloody Beginnings, had been released in October 2011. It explores the origins of the hillbillies and is set primarily in an Abandoned Hospital (so expect Medical Horror). Another prequel, Bloodlines, explores how the hillbillies met their relative the Old Man ( played by Douglas Bradley, best known for his role as Pinhead) and how they went to the woods they are in today.
The first film was produced by Stan Winston and the hillbilly makeup were provided by his team.
These movies contain examples of:[]
- Absurdly Sharp Blade: Three Finger's knife in Left for Dead (Not that one), which can easily cut through bone.
- After the End: The reality television show which is being shot in Dead End is based on this setting.
- Annoying Arrows: After getting shot by two arrows in Dead End, Dale just asks: "Is that all you got, bitch?"
- Anything That Moves: Jonesy in Dead End is horny bastard.
- The Archer: Saw Tooth's weapon of choice in the first film and Pa's in Dead End.
- Attention Whore: Elena is willing to do anything for fame in Dead End, even blowing the director.
- Auto Cannibalism: The fourth movie reveals that One Eye and Three Finger acquired their trademark deformities this way.
- An Axe to Grind
- Badass: Dale in Dead End.
- Bald of Evil: Three Finger.
- Battle Amongst the Flames: Climax of the first film.
- Blood From the Mouth
- Bloody Handprint
- Blown Across the Room
- Brain Food: Three Finger is shown eating one of his victims brains in Left for Dead.
- Break the Cutie: Carly.
- Cannibal Tribe: The hillbilly family initially starts with 10 members. By the third movie, they are reduced to two (or three).
- Car Fu: First film has Chris ramming a state patrol car through the hillbillies shack, taking one of them out temporarily.
- Clean Cut: Three Finger's traps inflict these in Left For Dead.
- Click Hello
- Continuity Nod: The remains of the watchtower which got burned in the first movie appear again in Left for Dead.
- Creepy Child: Three Toes in Left for Dead.
- Creepy Twins: The incestous Battle Couple twins in Dead End.
- A Date with Rosie Palms: Male twin has one in Dead End while he is peeping on Elena. His sister catches him in the act and isn't happy.
- Dead Hand Shot: This.
- Death by Materialism
- Death by Sex
- Decoy Protagonist: Mara in Dead End, Daniel from Bloody Beginnings, and Billy and Cruz from Bloodlines.
- Derelict Graveyard
- Developing Doomed Characters
- Don't Go in The Woods
- Driving a Desk: Used in the climatic scene of Left for Dead.
- Drop the Hammer
- Dual-Wielding
- Dull Surprise: Chris' default face in the first film.
- Eat That: In Dead End, Jonesy ate feces on a former reality TV show in which he was competing and almost choked.
- Oddly-Named Sequel 2: Electric Boogaloo
- Epic Flail: Ma's weapon of choice in Dead End.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: In the third movie, Three Fingers' reaction to finding Three Toes' body is heartbreaking.
- There's also the family in the second movie (best shown with Ma and Pa's reaction to their children's deaths).
- Evil Laugh: Three Finger's distinctive cackle.
- Eye Scream: All three movies have people's eyes impaled by arrows.
- Fan Disservice: Sophie's nudity in Left for Dead.
- Fan Service: Dead End has Elena undressing for a staged sex scene between her and Jake. Jake isn't really keen on this, however.
- Final Girl: Jessie in the first film, Nina in the second, and Alex in the third.
- Five-Bad Band: The cannibal family in Dead End, with the gas station owner from the first film as the Sixth Ranger.
- Flanderization: The hillbillies use of barbed wire went from using it to stop cars to using it for all of their kills.
- Gender Blender Name: Jesse in the first film and Alex in Left for Dead.
- Genre Blindness: Whenever someone makes a reference to Deliverance, that character gets only confused stares.
- George Lucas Throwback: To 1980s horror films.
- Giggling Villain: Three Finger in the first film, and the female twin in Dead End.
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: In Dead End, Jonesy is thrilled when he finds out that Amber is a lesbian.
- Glasgow Grin: In the first film, Francine meets her end when one of the murderous, cannibalistic hillbillies sneaks up behind her and uses barbed wire to tear her mouth open. We later get several prolonged views of her mutilated face when the hillbillies bring her corpse back to their cabin.
- Good Old Fisticuffs: Left for Dead has Carlo and Three Finger beating the shit out of each other for several minutes.
- Gorn
- Groin Attack
- Half the Woman She Used to Be: Kimberly is cut in half vertically in the opening of Dead End.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Ma and Pa in Dead End.
- Three Finger in Left for Dead.
- Hooks and Crooks: Near the end of Left for Dead, Three Finger starts using a meathook.
- I Am a Humanitarian
- I Ate What?: Jonesy and Amber steal some of the hillbillies meat in Dead End and after eating it finds out that it's human meat.
- I Have You Now, My Pretty
- I'm Not Here to Make Friends: Said by Nina in Dead End. She gets better, though.
- Immune to Bullets: Three Finger.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice
- Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: Pa in Dead End has hard time hitting moving targets with his arrows.
- Kill It with Fire: Three Finger kills Floyd with Molotov cocktails in Left for Dead.
- Killed Mid-Sentence
- Killed Off for Real: the Old Man was blown into Ludicrous Gibs by Dale in Dead End, and only reappeared in the prequels.
- Knife Nut
- Large and In Charge: Saw Tooth in the first film and Pa in the second.
- Left for Dead: Guess which film.
- Lesbian Jock: Amber in Dead End.
- Licking the Blade
- Made of Iron: The hillbillies. And how.
- Weakly justified in Bloody Beginnings, where it's stated they have a disorder that makes them Feel No Pain.
- Meaningful Echo: "So sue me" in Dead End.
- No Name Given: The gas station owner, who is simply titled "Old Man" in the first two films. Also the cannibal family in Dead End who are only known as Pa, Ma, Brother and Sister.
- Nightmare Dreams: In the first film: While hiding from the hillbillies, Jessie has a brief nightmare where she and Chris are found by them.
- Not Quite Dead
- Numbered Sequels
- Off with His Head: In the first film, Carly's head is chopped off at the jaw.
- Once Is Not Enough
- Only Known by Their Nickname: In Bloody Beginnings, it's mentioned that the sanatorium staff, because they had nothing else to go by, named the hillbillies the Hillikers.
- Outside Ride: Chris hitches a ride under one of the cars stolen by the hillbillies in the first film.
- Peek-a-Boo Corpse
- Pistol-Whipping
- Power Born of Madness
- Post Mortem One Liner: Dale gives out two in Dead End.
- Prisons Are Gymnasiums: In Left for Dead.
- Punch-Punch-Punch Uh-Oh
- Rain of Blood
- Retirony: In Left for Dead, Nate is about to retire from prison guarding, when he is sent to one last prisoner transfer.
- Semper Fi: Dale and Amber in Dead End, who have worked in Marine Corps.
- Sequel Escalation: The sequels have more gore and nudity in them than the original film.
- Sequel Hook
- Sound-Only Death: Rich and Halley in the first film's opening.
- Soundtrack Dissonance: In Bloody Beginnings, The Blue Danube plays over the scene of the escaped patients wreaking havoc throughout the sanitarium.
- The Stoner: Evan and Francine in the first film.
- Take My Hand
- Tear Off Your Face: One guy has his face slashed off by a trap in the third film.
- Terrible Trio: Three Finger, One Eye and Saw Tooth in the first film.
- This Is for Emphasis, Bitch
- Those Wacky Nazis: Skinhead Floyd in Left for Dead.
- Toilet Humour
- Took a Level In Jerkass: The Old Man in Bloodlines.
- Torture Porn: Especially in Bloody Beginnings.
- The Unintelligible
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: Chris and Jessie.
- Vasquez Always Dies: Amber in Dead End
- Villain Based Franchise: By the third movie, series revolves around Three Finger.
- Who's Laughing Now?: Said in Left for Dead.
- Wrong Turn At Albuquerque
- Your Cheating Heart: Michael cheats on his girlfriend in Dead End, with predictable results.