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Wrong turn1 2985

  It's the last one you'll ever take.


The Wrong Turn franchise is a series of horror films from mid 2000's.

The first three films center around a similar premise: A bunch of city people wander into backwoods of West Virginia and encounter inbred cannibal hillbillies later named the Hilikers.

The first film was released in 2003, which was followed by two Direct to DVD sequels: Wrong Turn 2: Dead End in 2007 and Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead in 2009. A winter-set fourth film, subtitled Bloody Beginnings, had been released in October 2011. It explores the origins of the hillbillies and is set primarily in an Abandoned Hospital (so expect Medical Horror). Another prequel, Bloodlines, explores how the hillbillies met their relative the Old Man ( played by Douglas Bradley, best known for his role as Pinhead) and how they went to the woods they are in today.

The first film was produced by Stan Winston and the hillbilly makeup were provided by his team.

These movies contain examples of:[]