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See also: Jianghu

Wulin (Chinese: 武林(Wǔlín)) or murim (Korean: 무림(murim)) refers to a fictional society of Chinese martial artists (Chinese: 武術(wǔshù)) in wuxia stories. It is a part of the broader term of jianghu, which also refers to the underworld of bandits and other elements that live outside of mainstream Chinese society. The word literally translates to "fighters' forest", which may refer to how the society is dominated by the the law of the jungle where might makes right.[1]

The wulin consists of several sects, clans, disciplines and various schools of martial arts; and is inhabited by figures such as youxia (wandering heroes), nobles, thieves, beggars, priests, healers, merchants and craftsmen.[1] Sometimes actual historical figures from Chinese history also makes an appearance, and if not only the character archetype of that historical figure would play a role.

Most of the clans and sects consists of people who share the same surname. They follow their own rules and appoint a so called "sect leader", and are usually either merchant-, martial arts- or warrior-based. Furthermore these sects are also ranked amongst each other, with the strongest sects belonging to the so called Ten Great Sects.


Divine Doctor
A doctor legendary for his/her healing skills, which are considered "godly". May sometimes be replaced or portrayed as an elusive sage living deep in the mountains.
Ten Great Sects
The ten strongest orthodox sects in the jianghu.
Five Great Clans
Faction of five powerful clans. This often includes the Tangs of Sichuan, the Nangongs of Anhui, and the Jaegal clan.
Demonic Cult
A sect said to be based in the Thousand mountains. This sect prioritizes strength, literally Might Makes Right, and is by which absolute rule is established. The leader of the demonic cult is called the "Heavenly Demon" and is selected through sheer strength. Though they usually do not take neither the orthodox or unorthodox side, they follow their own code of conduct. They often practice demonic arts that are considered inhumane by most of the jianghu, such as using so called "blood worms" to force loyalty from subordinates, as the leader of the sect can use the worm to remotely kill those infected with it from afar. The blood worm can also be given instructions, such as killing the subordinate if they ever reveal information about something they'd like to keep secret to an outside party, such as assassins revealing who they're working for.
Five Palaces Beyond the Great Wall
Often refers to five different foreign factions or clans. This may include the North Sea Ice Palace, Nanman Beast Palace, Southern Sea Sun Palace, Potala Palace, Mara Blood Palace.


Shizun or shifu means master. Shiniang means your master's wife.

Examples of Wulin include:

Anime and Manga[]


  • Doctor's Rebirth: The protagonist is reborn as an orphan, and taken in as the disciple of Jaegal Lin. He also encounters the face-shifting Hao clan and future members of the demonic sect.
  • Frenemies: Thicker Than Blood
  • The Grand Mudang Saga: The protagonist is a prominent figure in an unorthodox sect, until he is reincarnated as a disciple in the Wudang sect, unable to fully control the new body he has gained possession of.
    • The Mount Hua sect makes a brief appearance in chapter 86.
    • The protagonist has been confronted by the leader of the beggar sect.
  • The Legend of the Northern Blade
  • Lightning Degree
  • Murim Login: The protagonist gets trapped in a game world set in the murim. Throughout his journey there, he among other things meets with the Mount Hua sect.
  • Nano Machine: The protagonist is one of the many sons of the Demonic Sect patriarch.
    • In chapter 140, the Wudang sect makes an appearance, and the divine doctor is mentioned.
  • Return of the Blossoming Blade: Chungmyung is a sword saint of the Mount Hua sect. When several of the sect's prominent figures perishes in the fight against demonic Chun Ma, Chungmyung reincarnates 100 years later as a beggar, realizing he is now completely alone in the world. He seeks out his sect, only to find it in shambles; a shell of its former self. Now he needs to work to return the Mount Hua sect to its former glory and avert its complete downfall; And most importantly, remind the people of great legacy of the blossoming blade.
  • Volcanic Age