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XCar: Experimental Racing AKA X-Car: Experimental Racing is a racing/driving game released in 1997. It was published by Bethesda Softworks LLC and developed by Bad Dog.

As the name suggests, in XCar: Experimental Racing the player drives and races experimental cars. There are sixteen cars to race on ten tracks. Tracks range from 'Mid-Ohio' to a Mayan temple and downtown Seattle. Cars can (and, at times, need to) be tweaked, tuned, and sometimes completely over-hauled to improve the various components that make up the car.

The graphics can be rendered in software or accelerated in 3Dfx. While there is no track or car editor for the game, the player can edit car textures (only in software mode), to create a completely customized car.

Tropes used in XCar: Experimental Racing include:
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