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Xianxia (Simplified Chinese: 仙侠小说(Xiān xiá xiǎoshuō), Traditional Chinese: 仙俠小說(Xiān xiá xiǎoshuō)), also known as the Spirit Cultivation Genre, is the fantastical version of the wuxia genre inspired by taoism, buddhism and other parts of Chinese mythology. Though its primarily places focus on Action Adventure, there are instances of stories placing heavy emphasis on romance. All in all though, it's a special Chinese brand of High Fantasy.

Xianxia stories feature so called "cultivators" who practice martial arts and fictional cultivation (heavily based on qigong meditation) to become immortal, omnipotent beings called xian who have almost god-like abilities. All the while surviving in the often cutthroat world of jianghu. Usually set sometime in mythological China, it's not unusual for the heroes to encounter fantastical creatures such as gods, other immortals, yaoguai, ghosts, monsters, magical treasures and items, medicinal "burst" pills, Meridians, etc. You can read more about the genre on Wikipedia.

Not to be mixed up with the similar-looking Xuanhuan genre, which remixes Chinese folklore and mythology with foreign elements and settings, whereas Xianxia merely uses mythological China as a backdrop for original characters. See also Wuxia, which is more grounded in approach without the magical elements, and qihuan which translates to fantastical speculative fiction, or Mohuan which refers to Chinese fantasy fiction set in a Western fantasy world. See also Danmei for Chinese yaoi. See also the more general Progression Fantasy genre, which is not bound by nationality nor a Chinese setting, but which was heavily influenced by the xianxia genre.


Tropes associated with the genre include:
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Common tropes include:[]

  • The Ageless: Xians are immortal, meaning they will not die of old age. However, they can still be killed, although it's very hard to do. As a cultivator progress, they live longer and longer, until they reach immortality.
  • Deity of Human Origin: Xians are immortal cultivators with god-like abilities. Sometimes, they may even undergo apotheosis to join the world's pantheon.
  • Qinggong Extravaganza: Just as it says on the tin. Expect a lot of this; Way more than in Wuxia.
Examples of Xianxia include:
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Manhua, Manhwa, Manga[]

  • A Mortal's Journey to Immortality
  • Tales of Demons and Gods

Donghua and Anime[]

  • The Founder of Diabolism
  • The Legend of Hei
  • A Mortal's Journey to Immortality
  • Scumbag System
  • Soul Land (Douluo Dalu)
  • Thunderbolt Fantasy





  • Xianxia (仙侠小说(Xiān xiá xiǎoshuō)) literally translates to "immortal heroes"