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  • The ending of Omi Town.

 Master Fung: You succeeded in your quest to find where you belong."

Omi: But... I am back where I started.

Master Fung: (With Kimiko, Clay and Raimundo behind him) That is right. This is your home. (all of them pull out Chinese New Years presents he missed out on at the beginning of the episode from having no family) Happy New Year, Omi.

  • Omi placing a blanket over a sleeping Jack in The Apprentice after all the pain the other monks and Dojo had put him through, and of course The Reveals of the final showdown.
  • In the finale, Omi accepting Raimundo's rank and bowing to him tugged at this troper's heartstrings.
  • Raimundo betting in Kimiko's favor in "Tangled Web." "I never doubted her for a second." D'aww.
    • Actually came here looking for this. That is without a doubt one of Raimundo's best scenes.
  • Maybe this one's only for Rai/Kim shippers, but his "highlights reel" that plays in the movie theater in "Dream Stalker." What are the highlights Rai's subconscious selects? Kicking the crap out of one of Pandabubba's men, combining the Sword of the Storm with the Eye of Dashi - and getting a kiss on the cheek from Kimiko after he returned to the Xiaolin side.
  • The ending of Big As Texas, where Clay, right after winning the Star Hanabi in a Showdown, gives it right back to his dad, because only a man can have it.

 Daddy Bailey: Clay, I reckon you been a man longer than I realized.

  • Nobody seems to have noticed the close bond Omi and Raimundo have developed. When Omi gets lost in 'My Homey Omi' Raimundo is the happiest when they find him. And in 'In The Flesh', Omi continually believes that instead of pulling a Face Heel Turn, Raimundo is actually enacting a Secret Elaborate Plan. One gets the feeling that the digs they make at each other is just brotherly affection. (Like arm punches.)
  • Raimundo quitting when Master Monk Guan starts to punish the other monks for his own "failures". Sure, it's revealed to be part of a Batman Gambit, but Rai's sense of justice is pretty much unparalleled.
  • Omi clinging onto Jack's coat and begging him to join the Xiaolin monks and move into the temple after he helps them defeat Wuya. Jack immediately declines the offer and activates his helibot to leave, only to find that Omi is still holding onto his coat and is now looking up at him sadly, prompting Jack to add:

  "... But maybe someday, if we're not fighting for Shen Gong Wu, we could all go for ice-cream. My treat."

  • Good Jack's sacrifice in Finding Omi

 Dojo: If you leave the ying-yang world without both Wu, you'll go back to your former evil self. Not that it wouldn't be an improvement.

Good Jack: Then that's what I must do. The world is at stake. Not to mention the lives of my good friends.

Dojo: You'd be willing to that for us? Even after all the mean things we've said?

Good Jack: Yeahh water off a duck's back. I know that when I return I won't miss being good, but I wish I would. Uhh yes, please try to remember me for how I am and not for how I will be.

  • The Finale comes overdosed with this. We finally get to see a nice Chase Young, who really looks after the monks when Omi makes an alternate timeline. To the point that he willingly drinks the Lao Meng Long Soup all over again to give the others a chance to escape. This is right after Raimundo had volunteered to drink it, instead, and Kimiko automatically yanked it out of the boy's hands in absolute horror that he'd turn evil. The bond that the four have managed to forge really shines in moments like these, especially later when Raimundo is named leader... and this time there's no resentment, no infighting, no pride, just absolute enthusiasm and support. After that, seeing them as a united front against the entire Heylin side is just icing on the cake.