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The mother from Exploits of a Mom is the Black Hat Guy's soulmate[]

Not much to say here, except that that kind of trick seems like what those two'd get up to in their less sadistic moments. Obviously, a time machine is required- possibly with an accidental stop in the Jurassic era, just for Randall to work off some of his velociraptor issues using the BHG as an Author Avatar.

  • She looks more like hacker extrordinaire Mrs. Roberts, who is stated that she has a son named Bobby.
    • To be more exact...

Mrs. Roberts was the mother in Exploits Of A Mom because...[]

  • Her son is called Bobby (as in, "Little Bobby Tables").
  • Her daughter goes by her middle name (since "Help I'm trapped in a driver's license factory" just doesn't roll off the tongue).
  • Bobby never really did well with computers (because the school's computer people had ample reason to resent him from the start).
  • Mrs. Roberts/The Mom, however, is clearly snarky and computer-literate in both comics. The real question now is, could Elaine be Blackhat's soulmate?
    • So we have to accept that her son's name is, simply, Robert Roberts.
    • Robert Drop Tables Roberts.
      • Robert '); DROP TABLE Students;-- Roberts.

XKCD means...[]

  • ... X=24, K=11, C=3, D=4, 24+11+3+4=42
    • Lots of exploring through the Other Wiki resulted in some weird translating letters into Hebrew equivalent: x -> א (aleph) -> 1; k -> כּ (kaf) -> 20; c -> ג (gimel) -> 3; d -> ד (dalet) -> 4; 1+20+3+4=28. To quote the Other Wiki "In Gematriya, the system of Hebrew Numerology, the number 28 corresponds to the word koakh, meaning 'power,' 'energy.'"
  • Xtremely Kool Comic Doohickey
  • seX King of Cunnilingus Dreams
  • From Stronghold: Theres four cheats, which are used wit alt+x,k,c,d!
  • Also, assigning the proper numeric values to X (24), K (11) , C (3) and D (4), and adding them together, the result is 42. 42 is famously the answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything as given by the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
  • Actually, if it was X+K+C+D, it would be 42, but sense they're next to each other, it means you multiply them which equals 3,168, which is either CAFH (3, 1, 6, 8) or CPH (3, 16, 8).
    • 3,168 is also the arithmetic sum of the words Lord Jesus Christ in Greek.

Randall Munroe is a pen name for River Tam[]

This would explain a lot.

Randall Munroe is batfuck insane[]

  • Do I need to show proof of this one? >_>
    • Well, it'd be interesting to see what specific strips you cited. Also: this WMG is not incompatible with the one above it.

Black Hat Guy is a survivor of the Heaven's Gate cult.[]

  • BHG lost all belief in March 1997, the same month the Heaven's gate mass suicide occured. The alternatives of a televised scale are a ban on human cloning and the sandline Mercenary affair. Meaning Black hat guy could be a clone (Or wants clones), an Ex-cultist or ex-mercenary. There is also the possibility of a personal scale incident but that's not worth guessing about.

there is, in fact, no White hat guy.[]

In this comic, He just forgot to color the hat in. Thats it.

The guy who wrote the script to buy one thing under a dollar each day on Ebay is now on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Illegal Animal Trafficking list.[]

"Who mails a bobcat?" indeed... Sub-guess: His name is Abu Dhabi. For this reason he is particularly worried about being on FBI watchlists, and he will get arrested for repeatedly receiving a kitten in the mail once Wildlife Protection is watching him over the bobcat incident.

Find You is a sequel to Fall Apart.[]

Sadly he doesn't appear to have saved her.

The talking squirrel in this comic is Grace.[]

She's able to take on a "100% squirrel" form and still can talk while in it, and Web Comic characters make "guest appearances" in other authors' webcomics all the time...