Yasuhiro Takato is a seiyu born in Okayama in 1968. He usually plays The Big Guy or the Big Bad roles, though this is rather recent; he played the cat Artemis in Sailor Moon.
Notable roles by Yasuhiro Takato:[]
- Artemis in Sailor Moon
- Mesopotamion Guy and Haou in Bobobo-Bo Bo-bobo
- Butchie, Mr. 9, Satori, Hotori, Kotori, Wanze, Peterman, and Bepo in One Piece
- Kuzzey Buskirk and Romero Pal in Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
- Byonko in Zatch Bell
- Russia in Axis Powers Hetalia
- Shalnark in Hunter X Hunter
- Jean in Captain Tsubasa
- Haruo Kawaguchi in Desert Punk
- Elecmon in Digimon Adventure
- IceDevimon in Digimon Xros Wars
- Fugamon in Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Leaping Through Time
- Gluttony in the first Fullmetal Alchemist anime
- Hurley in the Japanese dub of Lost