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An Art Punk band from New York, Yeah Yeah Yeahs formed back in 2000, consisting of singer Karen O, guitarist Nick Zinner, and drummer Brian Chase. While remaining fairly unknown for a long time, they have recently started gaining popularity (Like other bands, having a song in Rock Band tends to send a few sales your way).
The band itself has an odd Power Trio setup, with each member's stage persona fitting a different stereotype. This has been commented on by the band themselves a few times. In particular Karen O is said to be much more subdued than her stage persona, to the surprise of many fans.
Studio Album Discography
- Fever to Tell (2003)
- Show Your Bones (2006)
- It's Blitz! (2009)
Associated Tropes:[]
- Album Title Drop: Fever to Tell takes its title from a line in "Man."
- Black Sheep Hit: "Maps" especially after Rock Band included it.
- Bob Haircut: Karen O.
- Careful with That Axe: "Art Star" and "Mysteries."
- Costume Tropes: Karen O alone covers a fair few:
- Flanderization: The three band members often get reduced to their respective personae. This also happens to Karen O's decidedly non-Limited Wardrobe.
- Fun with Acronyms: "MAPS" supposedly stands for "My Angus Please Stay", Angus being the Liars' frontman, Karen's boyfriend at the time.
- New Sound Album: It's Blitz!, which saw them moving away from their punk origins to a more electronic sound.
- Performance Video: Most of them.
- Power Trio:
- Spell My Name with a "The": oddly Inverted- the band name has no "The" in it, but you will almost always hear it added. Maybe The Yeah Yeah Yeahs is just easier to say.
- Subdued Section: "Runaway," "Skeleton," and "Little Shadow," among several others.