Yellow Peril--not to be confused with Yellow Peril, though the reference is intentional--is a Web Comic by Jamie Noguchi (former co-author of Erfworld with Rob Balder).
It is about three disgruntled employees of a soulless graphic design firm, and their dates, friends and relatives. The strip is called that because much of the cast is Asian.
Contains examples of:[]
- Almost Kiss: In this strip.
- Ambiguously Brown: Bodie, as illustrated by this strip.
- Asian and Nerdy: Played straight with Kane, while the rest of the cast subverts or deconstructs Asian cultural stereotypes.
- Bald of Awesome: Greg Riddick, Ally's boyfriend. He's so awesome even Kane, who'd like to date Ally, can't bring himself to hate him.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Lance.
- When Lance and Kane first go to a night club, you can clearly see Ally waiting in line in the last panel.
- Cluster F-Bomb: Both Kane and Ally in this strip.
- Dress Code: Kane has to conform to PedantiCorp's suit-and-tie dress code, much to his chagrin. And he misses the one meeting when employees are told casual wear is allowed on Fridays.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": The staff of PedantiCorp's tech support are only referred to by their call signs--respectively iRate, Killer Queen and Doctor No. They're collectively known as the Pit Lords.
- Eyes Always Shut: Steve.
- Fainting: Happens to Bodie as a delayed effect of knocking his head, just as Julie shows up for their date.
- I Need to Go Iron My Dog: "I have to pee the glasses--huh--clean my toilet--huh--bathplace?!"
- I Was Having Such a Nice Dream: Both Kane and Bodie have erotic dreams that get cut short by the alarm clock.
- Jerk Jock: Subverted with the regular boyfriend of a girl Bodie once had a tryst with. Turned out the musclebound football player was a sensitive guy. Played straight in Lance's backstory.
- Manly Gay: Lance.
- Married to the Job: Greg's 24/7 commitment to his job strains his relationship with Ally.
- Meet Cute: Played with in the cases of Ally and Greg. They met when he fell at her feet from the wall he was trying to climb to impress her.
- Meganekko: Ally is seriously cute with her glasses.
- Naked Apron: Bodie has an erotic dream in which Julie wears one. Julie later tells him "Just to be clear, Chef Julie is not just Naked Julie wearing only an apron and heels."
- Necktie Headband: Kane wears one while doing overtime.
- Pointy-Haired Boss: Steve.
- Porn Names: In the business, Lance is known as Hung Low.
- The Rant: Explains jokes/references, hangs lampshades, and talks about local areas. And food. A lot.
- Salaryman: Kane has some elements of this, as The Rant points out.
- Short Distance Phone Call: "Why do I hear such a strong echo?"
- Spy Catsuit: For some reason, the female member of PedantiCorp's tech support wears one to work.
- Strip Club/Bollywood Dance-off Incident
- Through His Stomach: Bodie decides to cook Julie a home-made dinner for their date, but since Julie is a professional chef, she's the one who ends up cooking.
- Yaoi Fangirl: Ally has erotic dreams about Kane and Bodie. She later confesses: "I may have a few boys love manga in a special place that my boyfriend won't find."
- You Need to Get Laid: Lance's advice to Kane.