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  • Cross-Dressing Voices: Milanor is a comical example of this, having a female seiyuu despite being seventeen-years-old.
  • Fan Nickname:
    • Gulcasa's often called "Gul-kaa-san" in Japan, as a lampshade on his Team Mom tendencies.
    • Inzaghi's often referred to as "Zakozaghi" (Small Fry-zaghi) in Japan.
    • For #327, "Super Saiyan Nana-tan" and "Nana".
  • Flip-Flop of God:
    • Yggdra's height. She's about 162 cm tall on the height charts, the art director for Blaze Union says that she's 160 cm tall in this game, and her character card from the original release says 157 cm.
    • Nessiah's height. The most recent account puts him at around 5'6".
  • Talking to Himself: There are a number of examples, as the cast of characters is far larger than the cast of voice actors. One of the more amusing examples would be Kaneko Hidehiko, who voices both Roswell and Leon.
  • Word of God: Sting actually published a book (Dept. Heaven World Guidance) to clear up things that were left vague in Yggdra Union, Riviera: The Promised Land, and Knights in The Nightmare (such as Nessiah's backstory).