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File:Yogabbagabba og 7.webp

Yo Gabba Gabba! is a kids' show on Nick Jr. with a whole lot of content that doesn't exactly seem oriented towards kids. It was co-created and is written by Christian Jacobs, also known as MC Bat Commander of The Aquabats, and directed by Matt Chapman, co-creator of Homestar Runner.

Each episode focuses on DJ Lance Rock's magical toys; Muno, Foofa, Brobee, Toodee and Plex; playing together and learning new things. Their adventures are loosely connected by a single theme, and are separated by trippy filler segments, including:

  • Jingle: Once an Episode music video related to the episode's theme, usually done in Adobe Flash.
  • Story Time: A Flash-animated segment where a girl reads off a short story, usually leading up to An Aesop. Occasionally done as a comic book featuring a character named Super Martian Robot Girl.
  • Biz's Beat Of The Day: Biz Markie beatboxes to a different rhythm each time.
  • The DJ Lance Dance: DJ Lance makes up a simple dance and tells how to do it.
  • Cool Tricks: Featured kids (and sometimes adults!) show off their talents.
  • Mark's Magic Pictures: Mark Mothersbaugh shows how to draw a simple picture, which comes to life.
  • Other segments have the main cast asking you to join in an activity: Color With Brobee, Listen With Toodee, Learn With Plex, et cetera.

The series is largely music based, with frequent musical numbers and rhythm-driven activities. Once an Episode the characters watch a music video, with guest appearances by popular indie rock acts like The Shins and Of Montreal. This has helped it build up a Periphery Demographic of college kids.

Yo Gabba Gabba has examples of:[]


  DJ Lance: Listening and dancing to music iiiiisssssss AAAAAAAAWESOOOOOOMMMME!


 Muno! He's tall and friendly!

Foofa! She's pink and happy!

Brobee! The little green one!

Toodee! She likes to have fun!

Plex! A magic robot!

Let's all come and play

With DJ Lance Rock today!
