
DJ Lance Rock[]

The host of the show who is a male DJ and a friend of the Gabba Land.

The Gabbas as a Whole[]

  • A Day in the Limelight: Each and every single one of the members gets their own chance to shine, depending on the episode:
    • Muno: "Teeth," "Differences," "Family," "Adventure."
    • Foofa: "Pets."
    • Brobee: "Birthday," "Talent," "Big."
    • Toodee: "Doctor," "Nature."
    • Plex: "Robot."
  • Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: Foofa and Brobee (Beauty), Plex (Brains), Muno and Toodee (Brawn).
  • Color-Coded Characters:
    • Muno: Red!
    • Foofa: Pink!
    • Brobee: Green!
    • Toodee: Blue!
    • Plex: Yellow!
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: A group of five, though they still fit into these categories:
    • Sanguine: Toodee!
    • Choleric: Muno and Brobee!
    • Melancholic: Plex!
    • Phlegmatic: Foofa!
  • Lilliputians: They are all these, hence being lifelike toys.
  • Nice Guy: All of them, even when they make mistakes.
  • Nice, Mean and In-Between: Muno and Foofa (nice), Toodee (mean), and Plex and Brobee (in-between).
  • The Noseless: Muno, Brobee, and Plex.
  • Parental Abandonment: Aside from Muno's family, all of the others have revealed parents throughout the whole series or franchise.
  • Perpetual Smiler: Only Brobee averts this, because he can frown or smile, depending on the situation, but all of the others smile at all costs.
  • Transformation Sequence: The theme song shows them transforming from their inanimate toy forms into their "real" Gabbas this way, one by one.
  • True Companions: All of them love and respect each other.
  • Vague Age: They all appear to be very young, around a preschool to early elementary school age (though Plex is a bit older). Only Brobee has a canon age that he's three years old (mentioned in "Birthday).
  • You Don't Look Like You: Subverted with their 2D animations in their thoughts.


A male red one-eyed monster who is the clumsy but gentle.


A female pink flower bubble who loves flowers and anything feminine.

  • Balloon Belly: Has a big, round tummy shaped like a bubble.
  • Break the Cutie: Has the biggest one in "Art," where she gets into a rage and gets mad at Muno accidentally ruins her painting for an art show.
  • Gonk: Subverted, she's the most feminine member, but she's bottom heavy.
  • Green Hill Zone: Lives in a yellow and green spring meadow realm.
  • Jerkass Ball: While Foofa is usually a sweet and kind girl, she does break out of character in "Art," where she gets angry at Muno and says hurtful things to him after he accidentally ruins her painting for the art show, but after Plex calls her out, Foofa apologizes to Muno and lets him help her make a new painting for the show.
  • Pink Girl, Blue Boy: She's the Pink Girl to her Blue Boy cousin Foofle.
  • Pink Means Feminine: She is a pink and girly character.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The gentle Blue to Toodee's energetic Red.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The Girly Girl to Toodee's Tomboy.
  • Vocal Evolution: Her voice got lower and more sooth-sounding after the first season.


A male, fuzzy, green little monster and the youngest and friendliest of the Gabbas.

  • Attack of the 50 Foot Brobee: In "Big," when he is accidentally beamed to life-size by Plex.
  • Break the Cutie: Often suffers through this since he's the only one who often gets upset.
  • Character Tics: Tends to wrap his arms around his mouth when upset or frightened.
    • Also, he pretends the food he eats has a "party in his tummy" every time he has a meal.
  • Expy: He is based off of the Aquabats villain Weedy the Broccoli Bee.
  • Flowers for Algernon Syndrome: In "Big," he dislikes being small and wishes to be big, but when Plex accidentally turns him big, Brobee soon learns that that he is too big to play with his friends, he eventually wishes to be small again, which he does after Plex figures out how to do it.
  • Gratuitous Spanish: In "Greetings," at one point, he says "Hola," which is "Hello" in Spanish, so it could be a hint that he's actually bilingual.
  • The Heart: He's the sweetest and cutest of the bunch.
  • I Just Want to Be Special: In "Big," he wishes to be big because he's tired of being small, but when he gets his wishes, it's not what he expects.
  • Innocently Insensitive: In "Friends," Brobee plays around so wildly that it causes him to accidentally knock over Plex, leading to a temporary shutdown, and to a song, "Keep Your Hands to Yourself."
  • Mood Swinger: Compared to the others, he frowns when something bad happens, but he soon smiles again when the problem is solved, and for the most part, he is in a positive mood just like the others.
  • Non Standard Character Design: He is the only one to change facial expressions to match the situation.
  • Punny Name: Acts like the "little brother" of the gang. Also, his appearance resembles the stalk of a brocolli, and he has stripes of a bee.
  • Redhead in Green: Inverted, he is green with red horns.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The sensitive Blue to Muno's humorous Red.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: The Sensitive Guy to Muno's Manly Man.
  • Tareme Eyes: His eyes are uneven slanted ovals that meet up with each other, referring to his innocence.
  • Vocal Evolution: His voice sounds more high-pitched and goofy and less raspy starting from Season 2.


A female blue cat-dragon who likes to have fun.

  • Curtains Match the Window: Notably the only Gabba whose fur color matches with her realm.
  • Cute Little Fangs: She has shark, triangular ones.
  • Genki Girl: Hyperactive and fun-loving.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Downplayed for the "jerk" part. Toodee has the most flaws out of the other Gabbas. She can sometimes be rude, arrogant, irritable, judgmental, and can be a bit of a Sore Loser, but for the most part, she is very cheerful and bubbly, and she just wants to join her friends for a good time.
  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: She's a cat-dragon.
  • No Indoor Voice: Hence being full of fun, she tends to be loud a lot.
  • The Pollyanna: She's almost always in a wild and cheerful mood.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Toodee's energetic Red to Foofa's gentle Blue.
  • Slippy-Slidey Ice World: Lives in a winter arctic realm.
  • Sore Loser: In "Careful," Toodee cries over how she tripped over and lost a running race, but Plex cheers her up and sings how she should, "Shake it Off."
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The Tomboy to Foofa's Girly Girl.
  • Tomboy with a Girly Streak: She is a hyper and energetic girl with a tomboyish demeanor, but she doesn't mind dressing up as a princess, and she enjoys playing dolls and other girly activities with Foofa.
  • True-Blue Femininity: Inverted. Even though she is blue, she is a tomboy.


A male yellow robot who is the oldest and most mature of the Gabbas.

  • Do-Anything Robot: He is the robot of the cast, and he can do absolutely anything, from playing music on his speakers, beam people into Gabba Land, and store anything in a compartment in his torso.
  • Extendable Arms: Has his "super long arms," which can stretch out to really long lengths.
  • Hammerspace: Has a small door on his belly that can hold anything, even big or long things.
  • Magitek: A magic robot, indeed.
  • Magnetic Plot Device: Has an alarm that goes off whenever it's time for the Dancey Dance of the day.
  • No Indoor Voice: On a lesser extent than Toodee, but he uses his outdoor voice when making announcements, much like a sports announcer.
  • Only Sane Man: He is always the one trying to prevent situations from occurring, and he's the one who calms the others down during disagreements.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The serious Blue to DJ Lance's vigorous Red.
  • Robot Buddy: "I am your robot friend, I am here to help you!"
  • Saying Sound Effects Out Loud: During the Yo Gabba Gabba and Fresh Beat Band crossover, Plex gets the hiccups, but he actually repeatedly says the word, "hiccup," rather than giving an actual hiccup.
  • Shrink Ray: His laser can "beam" guests into Gabba Land, making them toy-sized, and then using it on them to bring them back to their normal size.
  • The Smart Guy: He is the most mature, intelligent, and logical out of the other Gabbas, since he is a robot, of course!
  • Tareme Eyes: Has oval shapes eyes than lean towards each other, which represents his leader behavior.
  • Team Dad: He is pretty much this to the other Gabbas, giving out facts and advice to them, calming them down during situations, and teaching them about things.
  • Teleportation: Doubles with his Shrink Ray laser he uses on guests.
  • Verbal Tic: Though he usually speaks with a normal human attitude, he tends to slip into a robotic tone of voice on occasions.
  • Vocal Evolution: As the show progressed, his voice became more high-pitched and a bit strained.