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See here for YMMVs pertaining to the Yogscast Minecraft Series.
See here for YMMVs pertaining to Sips.

  • Accidental Innuendo: In one YoGPod, Simon asks Lewis a series of questions, which he needs to answer using randomized music titles in his iTunes play list. When Simon asks the question "What do you think of your secret crush?", Lewis gets the Song "You raise me up". Think about that for a second.
  • Broken Base: Between Minecraft fans and fans of the Yogscast in general. See Fan Dumb on the Yogscast Minecraft Series page.
    • The Minecon Clusterfuck is an example of just how bad a slight misunderstanding and some twittering can snowball into an enormous Broken Base. Seems to have all blown over now, though.
  • Forced Meme: "The horse is lovely!" [1]
  • Ho Yay:
    • Lewis and Simon have their moments. Especially in MMORPG games where they are playing opposite sexes, like in Mists of Pandaria when Simon yelled at Lewis to take his clothes off (to show that the female pandas now had underwear), or in Archage where they were going to build a home together and raise cubs.

      It should be noted that the origin of the Simon and Lewis team originated from Simon being in Lewis's World of Warcraft guild as a female character, and Lewis attempting to... "win Honeydew's favor". Of course, while Lewis was initially disappointed by The Reveal, he got along with Simon anyway once he realized how funny he was.
    • Simon and BRIAN BLESSED here.
    • Not to mention Simon kissing Lewis when he cuts his lip. Please note Hannah's complete lack of reaction.
  • Memetic Mutation: "LOOKS FUCKING SHIT" and variations after an infamous Yogtrailers video where Simon yelled it out at the beginning of a trailer to lampshade how the Yogscast just tear apart trailers.
  • Rewatch Bonus: In the Magicka Let's Play with Total Biscuit, whenever Simon gets a staff that has a use, he sets it off constantly for no reason. At first you assume it's just one of the ways he's trolling the other two, but Lewis realizes very late into the game that the default keybind for it is the middle mouse button, which Simon uses as his Vent push-to-talk key. Every time he does it actually is an honest accident.
  1. On a YogTrailers video involving horse racing, Simon absently rants about how the internet tends to make memes out of random things like "the horse is lovely!" Yognauts proceeded to try and turn the phrase into an actual meme by posting it on every YouTube video they watch.