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For examples related to the Yogscast outside of Minecraft, go here.

Shadow of Israphel:

  • The end of part 9, Shadow of Israphel: The Abandoned Mine. Might be a Tear Jerker as well, but it's pretty damn inspiring.

 "My armor and blade are here. It falls to you, and those that stand with you, to save the world. K. Peculiar. Fight well, my son. And know... that I love you."

  • During Granny_Bacon's funeral, Simon is absolutely heartbroken. Lewis feels sorry for his old pal, and gives him a hug. He later continues to help him get through the whole ordeal.
  • In Part 31, the duo are told of a prisoner being kept at Stoneholm, and end up taking their time to save him, discussing how they'll save the day and get help from whoever they save. As soon as they learn the prisoner is Knight_Peculier, they stop joking around and rush right in, with Lewis immediately shooting the guard to save him.
  • In part 34, the duo cheer up a despondent Knight_Peculier.

 Honeydew: You're the best knight I've ever met! If anyone can do it, you can!

  • In part 35, heartwarming was in every corner when Knight Peculiar's flashback showed him about to take poison when Xephos and Honeydew arrived, and the music Take a Chance started up. Then with their help, he regained the strength and will to fight Israphel. They saved his life over and over, and now, he needs their help once again for the final battle.
  • I find the way Peculier cares for and loves Daisy to be extremely touching.
  • After Knight Peculier's death in episode 38, Lewis immediately runs back onto a pitch black, monster infested railway track in desperation to see if he can see anything, and almost gets himself blown up by a creeper for his trouble, though they'd already promised they'd go on without him if anything happened. Their entire reaction is both this and heart breaking.
    • It's going to be in the back of everyone's heads pretty much every time the series includes a minecart ride from now on, too. Simon gets annoyed with Lewis for bringing Knight Peculier's death up in their next adventure map ("Sad face!"). It's clear they both still miss the guy.


  • In part four of their playthrough of the custom map "The Tree of Life", the duo must go through the Temple of Trials, and when they must walk through a surface of flaming netherrack, with no way of knowing if there is water on the other side to save them, they decide to comfort and motivate each other by holding hands.
  • Simon and Lewis sharing the gold spot in the Yog-olympics.
  • In Day 7 of the Advent Calender, Simon and Lewis accidentally set the Christmas Wreath on fire, causing Peculier to become horrified! Not just because the hard work that went into the wreath is being destroyed... but also because he was planning on giving the wreath to his sister, Isabel!
  • Day 24 of their video advent calendar. Endermen are people too!
  • Israphel gets them a present! TNT and snowballs!
  • The ending to the Monarch of Madness map, suprisingly, when they escape Hell and come out on the surface in a sunny forest, where they decide to start over. First they need to build a house...
  • The Valentine's Day animation is both this and unexpected Tear Jerker.
  • This fanvideo is kind of adorable, as well as being pretty damned funny.