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From bottom: Go Mi Nyeo, Hwang Tae Kyung, Kang Shin Woo, Jeremy

You Are Beautiful, sometimes translated as He's Handsome or He's Beautiful, is a 2009 Korean Series Romantic Comedy about a girl named Go Mi Nyeo who is pulled out of a convent to impersonate her brother Go Mi Nam and take his place in a boy band called A.N.JELL while her brother gets his plastic surgery fixed. Members of this boy band include:

  • Hwang Tae Kyung, the proud, arrogant and completely anal band leader (with a heart of gold).
  • Kang Shin Woo, the painfully nice guy.
  • Kang On Yu, nicknamed Jeremy, the funny guy.

Go Mi Nam has to hide her identity while trying to succeed as a pop idol. Comedy, romance and drama abound.

In May 2011, it was announced that a Japanese remake of this drama will be released in Japan in July 2011 as Ikemen Desu ne (美男ですね).

Tropes used in You Are Beautiful include: