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Because there are so many types of Dystopian settings, a Super-Trope index was needed.

This is intended to cover both those settings where virtually any honest, decent, rational people wouldn't want to live if they had a better choice, and those that while some people REALLY wouldn't want to live here, others would find them to be a paradise or at least acceptable. To each his own.

For settings that are Dystopias for those who hate regional or National Stereotypes, please see the Hollywood Atlas. When the oppressed fight back, see Civil Unrest Tropes.


After the End: see Apocalyptic Index.

Nightmare Worlds[]

It's High Octane Nightmare Fuel and doesn't bother to hide it.

Too Good To Be True[]

Just like a Utopia...Until you scratch the surface.

There Ain't No Justice[]

Possibly a good place to hide from authorities, if you can keep from being victimized yourself.

Not So Bad[]

A bit smelly, a bit sour, but it's ours. (Or to quote Aladdin: "It's barbaric, but hey, it's home.")