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"Pretty Soldier Wars' turn-based mechanics are very poor, including its ability to build a hentai game around these mechanics."
—GameFAQs Review
The apocalypse known as "The Third" occured as a result of mankind's tasting the deadly fruit of nuclear technology. The massive radiation released in the wake of world war mingled with the genetic fallout from biological weapons, creating horrific mutations that came to be called "Youju", or "Strangebeasts". These beasts bred in the bodies of humans and multiplied, covering the blighted landscape and pushing humanity to the brink of extinction.
It is now the year 2048. As mankind's final gamble in the struggle against the Yoju, a squad of genetically engineered cyborgs was created - the A.S.S.P. (Anti-Strangebeast Special Police). Its members posess combat ability far beyond that of normal humans, and have been programmed with the complete database of anti-Youju strategies and tactics researched over years of war. These female biosoldiers have become humanity's last line of defense against total annihilation, and you have been chosen to command them.
Unfortunately, the game suffers from poor design. It is primarily known for its outstanding graphics and good backstory.
- After the End: The story is about the human effort to survive.
- Amazon Brigade: The ASSP. Justified in that women are easier to recover and heal from Youju possession.
- Apocalypse How: Floating between Classes 2 and 4. The land outside Sofiapolis is scarred. Meanwhile, Sofiapolis itself surrounded by beautiful artificial forests and located on a strategically high plateau.
- Ax Crazy: Misa is a bit obsessed with 'Yoju-hunting'.
- Badass Normal: Saeko is human, but with Sixth Sense. Still a normal compared to the biosoldiers.
- Bifauxnen: Alpha
- Blade on a Stick: Saeko's weapon.
- Bodyguard Crush: All the time, however Subverted once you comfort them. They're Genre Savvy enough that it'll be a problem that a Biosoldier forms a relationship with you. To a lesser extent,
- Body Horror: How a newborn Yoju borns: by bursting out of the host's body.
- Bug War: Not a large scale per se, but implied that there will be one in the Epilogue.
- Cold Sniper: Alpha, and while Mikako wields assault rifles she is treated as one.
- Diagonal Speed Boost: Applies, but can't be used to reach spaces that can't be reached normally. It does make attacking easier, though.
- Fantastic Racism: Biosoldiers, despite the origin are genetically-enginereed babies treated as tools of war. Your Job is to fight that sort of impression and help them psychologically with... you know.
- However, there's a Sliding Scale between the racism in the military and general society. In the general society they're viewed as soulless battle machines while in the military they're viewed as super-mooks based on Yoju's genetic code. Your Mileage May Vary about which view is worse.
- Horde of Alien Locusts: Yoju
- Hostage Situation: Most of the H-scenes involving girls in 'possession' of Yoju. On the other hand, attacking Yoju who've taken girls hostage is no different from attacking other Yoju (there's no danger of the girl being hurt by stray shots) and she's automatically rescued when the Yoju is killed.
- More Dakka: Played Straight and subverted, Played straight with MV-11's Microvulcan but subverted with Marie. Her attacks are the weakest despite the Dakka-ness of her SMG.
- Naughty Tentacles: All yoju have them, mainly to catch their 'prey' in place. Some used them to inject their embryo.
- Combat Tentacles: This is actually their primary function.
- Nintendo Hard: Constantly outnumbered, NOT raising a stat even if you level up, Irreplaceable equipments... etc.
- Orifice Invasion: Yoju breed mainly by planting their embryo in a woman's womb.
- Powered Armor: MV-11 ALWAYS WEARS one.
- Retraux: Tthe game had an atmosphere like an old school SNES title.
- Sarcasm Failure: Mikako, when commenting on the wacky-words coming out of Ayumi.
- Super Soldier: The Biosoldiers.
- Team Mom: Haruka, so what if a Biosoldier can cook eh?
- The Captain: The player character.
- The Swarm: Yoju again.
- The Virus: Alternatively, Yoju can produce weaker 'drones' by corrupting a male's body.
- Tsundere: Misa is like a more realistic version of a tsundere to you. She's doesn't rage at you or pound you with a Megaton Punch, but she acts tough all the time except when on a date with you. Saeko however treats you like an outsider in the earlier part of the game, more like standard Type A Tsundere.
- World War Three: Known as The Third which lead to the aforementioned apocalypse.