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  • The team against Kang, including Kate's one on one showdown with the tyrant wielding only a sword and longbow!
  • The Young Avengers and New Avengers vs. the Skrull Empire vs. the Kree Empire for the fate of Hulkling.
  • Kate Bishop being given Clint Barton's bow & codename of Hawkeye, after impressing Captain America enough in battle that he felt she would do Clint's legacy justice.
  • Hulkling posing as Hank Pym to free the captured superhumans during the Civil War event.
  • Clint Barton officially passing the torch to Kate in the Young Avengers Presents miniseries.
  • Kate defeating both Psycho for Hire Bullseye (posing as Hawkeye for the Dark Avengers) and Punisher rip-off the Executioner during the Dark Reign: Young Avengers mini
  • Wiccan, Enchantress and Coat of Arms using their combined magic to throw the Sentry into another dimension.
  • Patriot's Shut UP, Hannibal speech to Norman Osborn, before punching him so hard he breaks his hand. Even Osborn was stunned by how much damage the Iron Patriot Powered Armor took.
    • Hell, this is one for the whole team - The Young Avengers managed to beat the Young Masters & Dark Avengers so badly that the Young Masters just fled mid-battle, and Norman Osborn ordered his team of criminals to retreat, remarking as he left:

  Iron Patriot: This didn't happen, this officially doesn't count in Avengers history.

  • Billy putting the entire group of the Sons of the Serpent in a coma purely because they'd taken Teddy hostage.