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  • In The Young Avengers Presents #6: Kate goes to the 'temporary' Avengers hideout to meet with Ronin. Once she's in, Spider-Man and Luke Cage are playing a video game:

 Cage: Chainsaw! Chainsaw! Chainsaw!

Spidey: I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!

  • The entire "Sound of Music" costume sequence.

 Tommy: What are we, the Uncanny von Trapps?

Teddy: It's his favorite movie.

Billy: It is not! It's one of my favorite movies.

  • After Patriot actually punches out Iron Patriot (Norman Osborn) in a CMOA, this happens. Doubles as a CMOH.

 Eli: I think I broke my hand.

Kate: I love you.

Eli: I may break my hand every day...

  • Wiccan battling Doctor Doom in Children's Crusade #3 and clearly not sure whether to think "OMG, he's going to kill me" or "OMG, Dr. Doom knows who I am!"
  • In the Homecoming short, with the team being officially welcomed to Avengers Mansion by the New Avengers (and Hawkeye) - Speed promptly starts hitting on Mockingbird.