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The Movie:[]
Yugi: "By the power of Greyskull!" |
- "Slifer no swiping! Slifer no swiping! Slifer no swiping!"
- "Oh man!"
- "Oof! ...I fell on my keys."
- After Yugi acknowledges the voice in his head, Yami tells Yugi to burn everything, burn it to the ground.
- As Tea jumps off the helicopter, she shouts " Wheeee! Moon Prism Power!"
- "Yugi, remember who you are! You must take your place in the circle of card games."
- Spinning Bird Kick!
- "That's it, pal, you just f***ed with the wrong Egyptian."
- "Yugi, I love you, but we only have fourteen hours to save the earth!"
- When Yugi tries to help Kaiba:
- When Kaiba summons XYZ-Dragon Cannon during his fight with Pegasus, the Transformers theme song starts to play.
- Yami says "Kaiba, I'm sure on some planet, your strategy is considered powerful, but your weak link is: this is Earth", which was said in Kung Pow! Enter the Fist.
- When looking for Yami in the labyrinth, Yugi shouts "KHAAANNNNN!" in frustration.
- "Run! Get to da choppa!"
- "You certainly took your sweet time, didn't you! I mean, come on, the movie's almost over! Who do you think you are? Venom?"
Episode 1:[]
Episode 2:[]
- "What'choo talking about, Pegasus?"
- Yugi's grampa talks about cursed tapes and Pegasus says "Seven days!"
- Rex and Weevil's Beavis and Butthead-esque exchanges:
- "In tonight's episode, the part of Tristan Taylor will be played by Barney the Dinosaur."
Episode 3:[]
- "C'mon Tristan let's sneak on board this ship like Solid Snake."
Episode 4:[]
- Tea mentions her limey senses are tingling.
- The Kill Bill montage, when Joey asks Yugi if he forgave him for stealing a part of his puzzle.
- When Tristan freaks out over evil rings and hobbits, Tea asks him why would those things be on the island.
- Weevil's transformation into Cornholio.
Episode 5:[]
Episode 6:[]
- The title is "Everybody Hates Mako".
- "That is correct", spoken in the robotic, monotonic unison by Pegasus's group, is used by the Daleks.
Episode 7:[]
- "Into the Kaiba cave!" while the theme song for the live-action Batman played in the background.
Episode 8:[]
Episode 9:[]
- "All your puzzle are belong to me."
- "Do not want" is a reference to Star Wars The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West. This is the translation for Vader's Big No in Episode Three.
- After Bakura reveals a segment of "Zorc And Pals" and asks what Yami thinks of it, Yami says "I think you'll be taken off the air faster than you can say Arrested Development"!
- Right before Yugi mind-crushes evil Bakura, Yami says "Finish him!"
- To Half-Life 2: "No, Tristan! He was the finest mind of his generation."
Episode 10:[]
- The episode is titled "Both Of You,
DanceDuel Like You Want To Win." Wait a minute... - Plenty of Shaft shout-outs here. When Yugi transforms to Yami, Shaft's theme song is used.
" It's time to duel, sucker. Can you dig it?" |
- Also here:
Joey: "That Yugi's one bad mother-" |
Episode 11:[]
- "You duel like a dairy farmer!" "How appropriate. You duel like a cow."
- "That's going to cost you 599 U.S. life points," referring to the memetic uproar about the launch price of the PlayStation 3.
"Riiiiidge Racer!!" |
- "I'm here to kick ass and play card games, and I'm all out of cards."
- "I don't have time to waste with you scoobies."
- "Are you my mommy?"
Episode 12:[]
- The episode gives us the main characters trying to run out a rolling boulder, set to the Katamari Damacy theme.
- Yugi: "Just remember your love for Serenity!"
Joey: "You're right, that was my favourite Joss Whedon movie!" - Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him. In America!
Episode 13:[]
- The appearance of the brothers Paradox is accompanied by the "YMCA" song.
- Leave It to Beaver Warrior!
- Kaiba Babies.
- "Make it so, Number One!"
Episode 14:[]
- It is titled "When Yami Met Sally".
- Also Joey says "Get up on the hydra's back, Yug'!
- "I love the smell of card games in the morning!"
- "I'm afraid your princess is in another castle, Kaiba-boy."
Episode 15:[]
- "Me love you, long time."
- More Star Wars references, such as:
- "A long time ago, on an island far, far away ...", followed the classic Star Wars theme song and introduction.
- "Pegasus's castle, you'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious."
- When Mai convinces Kemo to let Tea, Bakura and Tristan in.
MAI: You don't need to see their identification. |
- "The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner. Now I am the master."
- "That's no toon, that's a space station!"
- Also:
KAIBA: "Help me Mokuba, you're my only hope." |
- The scene after the credits has this conversation between Kemo and Tristan.
KEMO: Yugi never told you what happened to your father! |
Episode 16:[]
- In Yugi's dream-sequence, Gramps, Kaiba & Mokuba start singing "Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do..."--and then Mokuba says "By the way, this is a 2001: A Space Odyssey reference!"
Episode 17:[]
- "Say hello to my little friend!"
- Pegasus before he sends Bandit Keith down a Trap Door: "I learned this trick from Excel Saga!"
- During the Ambulance Chaser commercial for Duel Insurance the song Fake Wings by Yuki Kajiura plays.
- Mako Tsunami's interview:
Mako: I fed his Dark Magician to my fiend Craken. It was just like the ending to Pirates of the Caribbean 2. Only this was actually satisfying. |
- The ad for the Very Special Episode of Zorc and Pals the theme to Kingdom Hearts plays.
- There are somethings that money can't buy, for everything else, there's Kaiba Corp.
Episode 18:[]
- "What the deuce?"
- "I felt a disturbance. As if Yugi cried out in terror, and was suddenly silenced."
Episode 19:[]
- In the beginning of the episode:
- "Dark Magician! You are not a gun! You are who you choose to be! Now choose."
- When Shadi enters Yami's mind:
"By the way, have you ever seen Labyrinth?"
- "Come on, Mokuba. We're going to have our own tournament. With blackjack, and hookers. In fact, forget the tournament."
- Actually, because Kaiba is so obsessed with card games (COME ON, SUMMON IT ALREADY) it's actually "In fact, forget the blackjack and hookers!"
- This conversation:
Bakura: Hey, Pegasus, remember when I said I was going to kill you last? |
- From Cops: "Yu-gi-oh was filmed on location with the men and women of the Domino City Police Department."
- Another line by Bakura:
- While Tea is reading Pegasus' blog:
Shadi: Jagshemash! |
Episode 20:[]
Episode 21:[]
- The fairy continually said "Hey, listen!".
- Then "Saria's song" plays as the ship appears.
- Three Little Pigs: "Attention, duelists. My hair will huff, and my hair will puff, and my hair will blow your house in."
- "Look! It's Agrabah. Let's go find the genie voiced by Robin Williams and occasionally by Dan Castellaneta.
- As Kemo approaches them, Tristan and Tea sings Shampoo's Trouble.
TRISTAN: (singing) Uh-oh. We're in trouble. Something's come along and it's burst our bubble. |
- Ms Valentine, are you trying to seduce me?
- As Joey wears a wildman's outfit, he says "You know what the difference is between you and me? I make this look good."
- The English opening theme of Dragonball Z starts to play when everyone summons dragons to the field.
Episode 22:[]
- "If ya don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding!"
- Not to mention the name of the episode: "Shine On You Crazy Devlin"
- Tea, enamored of the hot new kid, sings, "Bow chicka bow-wow."
- Tristan shouts "Burn the witch!"
- Also, "He must be a witch. He turned me into a newt! ... "I got better."
- Tristan holding up a die and saying "This is going straight up my nose" is verbatim a quip from the Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode "The Horror of Party Beach".
- Duke's fangirls sing "Hey Mickey", changing the lyrics to "Hey Dukey".
Episode 23:[]
- Tea, at the beginning: "This one time, at duel camp, I stuck my deck up my--"
- This looks like a job for Limey man!"
- "I'm here to kick ass and drink cups of tea. And I'm all out of tea."
- "We didn't start the fire! It was always burning since the world's been turning!"
Episode 24:[]
- The episode's intro has the reference to a Cap'n Crunch cereal commercial: "Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged, it stays crunchy even in milk."
Episode 25:[]
- From 24: The following card games take place between 9 PM and 10 PM.
Episode 26:[]
- The intro: "Hey paisanos! It's the Super Yu-Gi-Oh Brothers Super Show!
- Welcome to the Aperture Science duel monsters training program. If you win this children’s card game, there will be cake
Kaiba: The Cake Is a Lie, bitch |
Episode 27:[]
- "Exodia, obliterate!" "BAAAAAAAAH!!" (complete with the blackface and the voice clip from The Lazer Collection)
Episode 28:[]
- "He's gone all Psycho Mantis on us!
Episode 29:[]
Episode 30:[]
- The episode is almost entirely dedicated to Saw.
Yami: You've got to be kidding me. |
- This episode also contains the, "What is a man?" dialogue.
- In the same episode, Yami starts listing spoilers because the villain is an obvious fan of plot twists. He's cut off by a title card, but 3 are heard that sound oddly familiar...
- And again in episode 30, they have the speech from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, acted out with Yugi and Marik. It does, however, have a twist.
Marik: What is a man?! A miserable pile of secrets! But enough of this...! I'm out of here. |
- At the end of the video, Marik shows the words "Die Yugi Die" on his back. A subtitle later says it's German for The Yugi The.
- In also the same episode, the opening and the closing theme of said episode is a reference to the theme song of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
- At the very beginning of the episode: the giant hedgehog who says "Dinsdale" is a reference to the Piranha Brothers sketch from Monty Python.
Episode 31:[]
- "And now for something completely different... Card Games!"
- "No, not the smooze!"
- "Doctor Stiles, please report to the infirmary."
Episode 32:[]
- Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip...
- "Wonder Twin powers: activate! Form of... an Egyptian homosexual!"
- Not even Boston can make Marik look cool on a motorcycle.
- Even Yami has good musical taste.
Episode 33:[]
- "Face it, you're about as manly as a Square Enix character! Shall I call you Captain Basch von Dalmasca?"
- "Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged: we update almost as frequently as VG Cats."
- It also gives us: "Well, excuuuuse me, princess!"
Episode 34:[]
- The sounds Steve makes as he jumps up the building are the same as Mario.
- "Now to make my escape, disguised as a simple cardboard box!"
- "I said what what. In the butt. I said what what. In the butt."
Episode 35:[]
- "It was the best of card games, it was the worst of card games..."
- "I'm in ur TV, kidnapping ur grandpa."
- "My name is Mai Valentine. No relation to Faye Valentine."
- "They should have sent a poet."
- "I don't wanna be be an American idiot!"
- "I'm the Goddamn Kaibaman!"
- "My Name is Yami" "WROOOOOOOONG!!!"
- "This is a bug hunt, Joey! A bug hunt! Game over, man! Game over!"
Episode 36:[]
- The "What country you're from?" dialogue after Tristan beat up all the Steves.
- "You guys are making me sexy, you won't like me when I'm sexy!"
- Kaiba apparently installed VATS into his Duel Disk system.
Episode 37:[]
Episode 38:[]
Episode 39:[]
- The airship theme plays when the Kaiba-Corp blimp appears.
- "It's showtime, Synergy". Cue Yugi Transformation Sequence as accompanied by the Jem theme song.
Episode 40:[]
- "Tell me something, Yugi: Have you ever dueled with the Devil in the pale Moon light?"
- "But the needs of the many outweighs the needs of the British, or something along those lines."
Episode 41:[]
- "Unh... sorry I took so long, guys. Stupid Mass Effect elevator technology."
Episode 42:[]
- When Odion summons Mega Ultra Chicken, it says "Infidels! Thou hast angered the god of trading cards! Now you will never again see the light of day!"
- This exchange:
Marik: I am Kira, I mean Marik. |
- When Melvin takes over Marik's body, the "Final Five" reveal theme from Battlestar Galactica starts blasting away in the background.
Episode 44:[]
- Tristan says "Goddamn it Nappa!" when Ishizu is going over catchphrases. You know the one.
- "It looks like the rules (puts on sunglasses) just got screwed." YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!
- The ending gag: "Oh, what's up. It's starting to bore me how much you suck. No, seriously. You all suck. BOINK! I broke your stupid crap, moron" and "MY FISTS. THEY ARE MADE OF STEEL!"
- "Sorry Marik, but your sister's in another castle!"
Episode 45:[]
- The title of the episode: Requiem For A Nyeh.
- The episode features The Nostalgia Critic, Linkara, Doctor Insano, and Angry Joe, AND the episode description includes a link to one of Linkara's reviews (Bimbos in Time) that featured Little Kuriboh in a cameo.
Episode 46:[]
- "You can't win Melvin, if you strike me down I shall be more powerful than you can ever imagine."
- The background music for the party is the Ghost Nappa song.
Episode 47:[]
- "Prepare for trouble, and make it double."
- "Impact with ocean imminent. I hope you all played Bioshock."
- "All your questions will be answered in due time. In the meantime, prepare to be assimilated! Resistance is futile! [Cue crapload of other movie references.]"
- "I was frozen today."
Episode 48:[]
- Yugi's deckmaster Kuriboh sounds like the Hot Dog from Perfect Hair Forever. And then there's the (EFF!)bombs.
- "And now I activate Robot Unicorn Attack!"
Gangsley: It's a double rainbow all the way! |
- After smashing a wall down with an ax, Tristan shouts out "Heeeereee's Johnny!"
Episode 49:[]
- After entering a room with four doors with symbols above them, Yami states "Oh lovely. A rejected puzzle from a Professor Layton game. That's just fan-tucking-fastic."
- The maximum level on the Jiggle-o-meter is labeled 'Faye Valentine'.
- A pengiun tells Tea "Come with me if you want to live."
- "Breaking Free" starts to play during the broadway show in Tea's dream sequence.
- "Hey, can you introduce me to that one penquin who's voiced by Elijah Wood?"
- Hans Zimmer's "Stampede" plays when Serenity was being chased by a monster.
- After defeating said monster, Tristan announces his full name, bringing in a guitar riff to match it
- Hobson SMASH!
Episode 50:[]
- Four Words: Joey Wheeler: Ace Attorney.
- He also whistles the The Andy Griffith Show theme song.
- A suit of metal asks Joey where his brother Edward is.
- Gozaburo Kaiba tells the Hair Guy to punish Seto by having to whip him until his name's Toby.
- This bit of dialog:
Joey: Well, it looks like Johnson couldn't handle the truth! Huh? Huh? |
Episode 51:[]
- Tristan acting out the infamous Big No in Revenge of the Sith, complete with the Imperial March playing in the background..
- Episode 51 also has a Han Solo-esque "I love you." "I know." confession.
- The sequence with Kaiba and Mokuba on "Tatooine" has the appropriate background music.
- The leitmotifs of Mecha Nesbitt and Super Giga Mecha Nesbitt are references to the Iron Man movie and Mighty Morphing Power Rangers, respectively, while Serenity's is the My Little Pony theme song.
- "Tristan Taylor. RISE."
- ZUUL Motherfucker!!!
Episode 52:[]
- Kaiba says "Come at me bro." (a shout out to the Rooster Teeth Podcast)
- Somewhat unrelated, but bonus points to those who are familiar with the term "lad" in an Australian setting.
- Just before this(as he's picking up the pipe), Kaiba says "Grabbin' a pipe!" which is most likely a Left 4 Dead reference.
- The Star Wars shout-outs continue on:
Evil Tristan: "The circle is now complete. When I left you I was but the learner. Now I am the guy kicking your ass with a stick." |
- Joey's tackle attack sounds a lot like Pikachu's Volt Tackle.
Yugi: Quick, Joey. Use tackle! |
- When Evil Tristan rides out of the garage on a motorcycle we get a shout out to Tristan's Japanese name, Hiroto Honda.
Joey: Is that a Honda? (Questioning the motorcycle Evil Tristan is riding) |
- "Let me guess, you're one of Noah's seven evil ex-boyfriends."
Episode 53:[]
Marik: Bored now. |
Episode 54:[]
- Opener: I used to be a duelist like you, but then I took a card game to the motorcycle.
- Yugi: Look at your deck...Now back to me...Now back to your deck...Now back to ME
- Melvin states after unlocking the bitchy door that he is the master of unlocking.
Episode 55:[]
- The title is a reference to Stepmothers Sin, in which Dan Green voiced the main character in the dub.
- Yami's sexy and he knows it.
- Kaiba is taken to Noah by Thomas the Dragon Train.
- Kaiba asks how to become a member of the Lollipop Guild. [1]
- Yugi tells Yami to believe in the Yugi that believes in the heart of the cards.
Bonds Beyond Time[]
- Doctor Who - The opening credits, complete with a Duel Monsters card replacing the TARDIS, followed by Yusei's bike making the iconic TARDIS noise when he leaves his era.
- Paradox has the same laugh as Mandark, and is accompanied by the theme music to Batman: Mask of the Phantasm.
- Paradox having Mandark's laugh is also reference to the Dexter's Laboratory movie which has a similar plot ("I am here for the one who destwoyed the future!").
- Leo refering to Yusi as Lion-O and saying "Snarf".
- Also when reading the old news report:
Yusei: *Spots Paradox in a photo* Look, it's him! |
- The Crimson Dragon shouting "ATREYU!"
- Paradox is able to knock Jaden down. Afterwards:
- When confronting Paradox:
Yusei Alright, you time-traveling screwhead! This... is my SIGNER MARK![2] |
- Before Yusei goes back to Jaden's time, the Crimson Dragon says "Once you hit -per-hour..." in an obvious nod to Back to The Future.
- Just like the Dark Magician said A Wizard Did It.
- After doing a lot of jumping and dodging fireballs, Jaden says he's glad that he plays a lot of Assassin's Creed.
- His very first line in the movie is "I'm Batman!"
- "You can be my wingman anytime, Yugi."
- Jaden tells Yusei that he sees dead people.
- After travelling to Yugi's time:
Jaden: I thought you said you weren't going to let me ride it. |
- "IGNORE ME!!!"
- After a Master Shake stinger, Mega Ultra Chicken, and the tag team Steves portrayed as the Mooninites, anyone familiar with Aqua Teen Hunger Force can easily see that Little Kuriboh's a fan of the series.
- And then Kaiba's encounter with The Cybernetic Ghost Of Christmas Past From The Future. Pretty blatant, that.
- "Wake up Mr. Muto. Wake up and smell the card games."
- "I am the King!" "You're a looney."
- "And now for something completely different. Card games."
- Spiny Norman makes a cameo in one for no apparent reason.
- In the Season Zero Pilot, Yugi says he would wish for Tea's panties. A reference to Dragon Ball and one of his earlier videos at once.
- Disney's Aladdin got referenced as well when the puzzle was finally completed:
"The power, the absolute power!" |
- In the manga review, Little Kuriboh borrows a familiar catchphrase of Linkara's: Our
heroprotagonist, ladies and gentleman. - The song Feuer Frei is played in all the chase scenes in the first movie.
- Of course, there are a few shout outs to the sequels, GX, 5D's and Zexal (or as they call it in the US, GX).
- LK has also made several parody songs, enough to qualify as an entire album soon.
- "I'm on a Blimp" has ShoutOuts to Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy VII.
- Melvin's obsession with hugs may be a reference to End of Evangelion, where, by the end, all of mankind have exploded into a sea of fuel by the dangerous combination of evil, happiness and hugs. His psychotic nature also hints that he might be aiming for this.
- "I'm staring into the distant past. It's sort of like playing Eternal Darkness."
- "That's my bread and butter you're (EFF)ing with."
- In the 2010 April Fools video, the opening for the fake 5Ds Abridged Series is an homage to the show's opening, complete with the camera zooming in on Jack's mouth before the theme kicks in.
- In recent episodes, he and Linkara have mutually referenced each other, culminating in each doing a cameo line in the other's video.
- "Who's the Boom King? Tristan's the Boom King!" Shortly afterwords, Tea reprimands him for choosing the wrong time to quote awesome shows.
- "This is the perfect opportunity for a Lost reference!"
- No, we're not doing that.
- Oh, come on. Don't tell me what I can't do.
- Oh, okay. Maybe just this once.
- "Let's go find the Smoke Monster!"
- In the flashback where Serenity moves away from Joey, she shouts "Joey, stop this crazy thing!" from the back of the vehicle.
- Crump's tendency to lick his lips and hiss is a reference to Hannibal Lecter.
- From the Yugi VS. Jaden rap battle: Who's the motherflippin'?.
- There's tons of references to The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time on episode 21.
- And there's another one later when Joey obtains his Duel Disk.
- Now expanded in "Meet the Kaiba", with the full first episode with Team Fortress 2 quotes. They work surprisingly well.
- "EA Sports, it's in the card games."
- On Episode 39 Tristan randomly says, "Zack and Cody are my imaginary friends."
- This is later made fun of in episode 46, where Bakura says Zork's got a contract for a new show, "The Suite Life of Zork and Cody".
- The names of the two Nazi-esque Kaiba-corp security agents are Hans and Gruber.
- Marik Plays Bloodlines has "His hair looks like something out of Space Channel 5!"
- One episode ends with Howl freaking out and telling Sophie to get off the fucking set.
- Kaiba almost starts singing "Friday". Luckly the camera quickly cuts away.
- In a video LittleKuriboh made for a fanartist, Tristan punches Joey and shouts "I am a man!"
- Probably an Evangelion reference: In "The Other Abridged Movie," when Gary Stu finds out how long the duel between Yugi and Kaiba will probably last, his internal voiceover frantically chants "I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away!"
- ↑ You go to helollipopguild.com
- ↑ Doubles as a Shout-Out to The Azure Crow's own Gurren Lagann the Satire; Kamina is fond of the "boomstick" phrase.