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Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid of Light, also known as Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters: Pyramid of Light (Yūgiō Dyueru Monsutāzu Hikari no Piramiddo?) is the first film based on the second Yu-Gi-Oh TV anime (and the first Yu-Gi-Oh series).

Five thousand years ago, the young Pharaoh Atem killed and imprisoned Anubis after he tried to destroy the world using the power of the Shadow Games. In the present day, Anubis' tomb is uncovered by archaeologists, complete with his most valuable treasure, the Pyramid of Light. At the same time Yugi Mutou completes Atem's Millennium Puzzle, causing Anubis to awaken from his eternal slumber and begin his return from the dead...

In the present, Yugi has become the King of Games, being the world's greatest player of Duel Monsters. Yugi defeated Seto Kaiba and obtained the three powerful Egyptian God cards. Now desperate to beat Yugi, Kaiba turns to Maximillion Pegasus, creator of Duel Monsters, to gain any kind of advantage over the God cards. Kaiba ends up taking two cards, although Pegasus claims he only created one.

Yugi and Tea go to the local museum where Anubis' corpse and the Pyramid of Light are on display, meeting up with Yugi's grandfather who reads a prophecy describing a clairvoyant eye which will prevent the world's destruction if blinded. Anubis' spirit attacks the group, and Yugi has a vision of a monster manipulating and attacking Kaiba. Yugi awakens to find Anubis and the Pyramid of Light have vanished, and he races to warn Kaiba. He is taken to Kaiba's duel dome by Kaiba's little brother Mokuba, with Joey and Tristan in pursuit.

Yami and Kaiba engage in a duel, Anubis manipulating Kaiba into using one of the two new cards, namely the Pyramid of Light card which covers the field in a huge replica of the actual pyramid and destroys the God Cards. So once again it's up to Yugi, to save Kaiba (again!) and rid the world of the evil Anubis.

The movie provides examples of:[]


  Anubis: "It is no longer time to duel. Now it is time to DIE!!"
