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A list of characters from the Manga and Anime series Yumekui Merry. Many characters have yet to be covered.

Characters from Yumekui Merry[]

Yumeji Fujiwara[]


Voiced by: Nobuhiko Okamoto (JP), Blake Shepard (EN)


A fairly average guy, except that he has the power to see into people's dreams. His encounter with the mysterious Merry Nightmare changes that, and he vows to be her companion, and to help her find her way back to the world of dreams. It's hinted that he and Merry have met somewhere before, and because of his abilities and potential, Chaser John Doe speculates that he may be Not Quite Human.

Tropes associated with Yumeji:[]


Yumeji: "I'll borrow it <Insert power's name>!"


Merry Nightmare[]


Voiced by: Ayane Sakura (JP), Hillary Haag (EN)


The problem with Merry Nightmare is that she has amnesia. She knows who and what she is (she's a Dream Demon, and for some reason a very powerful one), but she doesn't know how she got from the dreamworld to our world, or why she's stuck here. Her only hope of finding a way home is to hunt down other Dream Demons in our world, and to find them she needs Yumeji's help.

Tropes associated with Merry:[]

Isana Tachibana[]


Voiced by: Ai Kayano (JP), Brittney Karbowski (EN)


Isana is a childhood friend of Yumeji's, a fellow member of the Writing Club, and harbors strong feelings for him. She lives with her father and works at the family-owned Maid Cafe. She quickly befriends Merry, and it is hinted that she and Yumeji met her at some point in their childhood.

Tropes associated with Isana:[]

Takateru Akiyanagi[]


Voiced by: Shinnosuke Tachibana (JP), Chris Patton (EN)


Another member of the Writing Club, reflected in his odd habit of composing haiku at random moments, often with completely mundane subjects. As the only other male member of the club, he is shown to be good friends with Yumeji, and there seems to be a budding romance between him and Saki. He's also the unwitting host to the Big Bad Pharos.

Tropes associated with Takateru:[]

Saki Kirishima[]


Voiced by: Mariya Ise (JP), Shelley Calene-Black (EN)


A close friend of Yumeji and Isana and a fellow member of the Writing Club, she seems to be fascinated by Yumeji's ability to see into dreams. She is quite confident and outgoing most of the time, but notably becomes rather timid when she's alone with Takateru.

Tropes associated with Saki:[]

Mei Hoshino[]


Voiced by: Natsumi Takamori (JP), Emily Neves (EN)


President of the Writing Club, and unwitting host to Chris Evergreen, one of the first Dream Demons that Yumeji and Merry encounter. Chris appears to her as a pen-pal who she only knows through text messaging. She dreams of becoming a novelist.

Tropes associated with Mei:[]

Yui Kounagi[]


Voiced by: Tomoko Akiya (JP), Luci Christian (EN)


Yumeji and Merry first meet Yui at the supermarket, and soon discover that there is more to her than meets the eye (unless it's Yumeji's eye). She is the vessel of Engi Threepiece, but unlike possessed persons seen thus far, her relationship with her Dream Demon is a sisterly one of mutual respect.

Tropes associated with Yui:[]

Engi Threepiece[]


Voiced by: Aya Endo (JP), Shannon Emerick (EN)


The first benevolent Dream Demon Yumeji and Merry meet. She came to the real world with the intention of hunting down Heracles, who brought her older sister Patty there and ended up killing her. She is currently inhabiting Yui's consciousness, with her permission.

Tropes associated with Engi:[]

Chaser John Doe[]


Voiced by: Joji Nakata (JP), Chris Ayres (EN)


A mysterious cat-like Dream Demon that first appears to Yumeji through a recurring dream, having taken an interest in Yumeji and his ability. His intentions and loyalties remain unclear, and he refers to himself as an "ally of truth", but he has nonetheless become something of a mentor figure to Yumeji. He currently inhabits the body of a cat in the real world.

Tropes associated with John:[]

Pharos Heracles[]


Voiced by: Kenta Miyake (JP), David Matranga (EN)


The main antagonist, little is known about him except that he is rallying Dream Demons with the apparent intention of occupying the human world and supplanting the human population. John Doe speculates that this is probably not the full extent of his plan. His host is Takateru.

Tropes associated with Heracles:[]

Maze Landsborough[]


Voiced by: Hiroyuki Yoshino (JP), Greg Ayres (EN)


A notable recurring antagonist, and an underling of Heracles. While not the biggest direct threat, his tricks and creations can be quite dangerous on their own. Merry has sent him back to the Dream World.

Tropes associated with Landsborough:[]

  • Cyclops
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy: He knows better than to enter the fray directly when he's much more effective at a distance. Later attacks Yumeji while he's developing Lucid Gadget, and even lampshades it by stating that only TV characters give their opponents the chance to prepare. It doesn't do him any good in the end, though.
  • Demonic Possession / Grand Theft Me: Unlike some of the more benevolent Dream Demons, he completely took over his host's body without permission. This eventually caused him trouble, since a host personality not given freedom once in awhile is liable to surface at exactly the wrong moments.
  • Dirty Coward: Once Merry and Enji get past his tricks, he's an easy target and most likely would've kicked his ass long ago. It's only because of his human host that they lay off from destroying him. Too bad for him, Merry found a way around this problem and locked the gate to their human hosts.
  • Exotic Eye Designs: His pupils resemble the Tick-Tack-Toe symbol.
  • For the Evulz: Enjoyed screwing with his host's everyday life and generally acting like a jerk.
  • Human Shield: Used his host — more specifically, his host's hopes and dreams — as a shield; having become the embodiment of his host's dreams, killing Landsborough would leave his host an empty shell.
  • Meaningful Name: Uses his power to trap people in a maze.
  • Monster Clown: Both himself and his mooks.
  • Squishy Wizard: By his own admission. Still claims to be tougher than ordinary humans, but Yumeji isn't an ordinary human.

Chain Noir[]

A Dream Demon who faithfully serves Heracles, she operated through the body of a girl named Minato, who Yumeji and Merry had previously saved from another Dream Demon. She works alongside Maze Landsborough to take down Yumeji and Merry, but they both end up getting sent back to the Dream World.