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Yuri!!! on Ice is a Twelve-Episode Anime that debuted in the fall of 2016. It has two creators: director Sayo Yamamoto (Michiko to Hatchin) and the head writer and original designer Mitsuru Kubo (Moteki). It was animated by Studio MAPPA.

Yuuri Katsuki, the protagonist, is a promising Japanese skater who has always adored and admired the famous skating star Victor Nikiforov... but at the very beginning of the story, he's NOT having a good time. Not only he BADLY messed up during the Grand Prix Final in Sochi, but he had a verbal spat of sorts with the very cocky Russian junior champion, Yuri "Yurio" Plisetsky. As a result, Yuuri falls into a massive depression and returns to his family home in the onsen town of Hasetsu, thinking that he should probably stop skating altogether...

However, Yuuri is in luck! He's filmed perfectly imitating one of Victor's skating programs, the clip goes viral, and none other than Victor Nikiforov himself takes note of it. He's so impressed that he decides to visit the Katsuki family, speak to Yuuri and offer him the chance to be his coach from then on; Yuuri accepts, logically, thinking that this is HIS chance to gather what's left of his talent and then reach stardom. The whole skating world is thrown into quite the turmoil over Victor's sudden decision to retire and take Yuuri under his wing, starting with Yurio who does NOT want to stay behind now that the guy he once verbally slapped around is starting to recover under the wing of his idol... plus many other skaters decide to join the prospect "battles" and see what the Katsuki / Nikiforov team has to offer!

The page is under heavy construction!!!

Tropes used in Yuri on Ice include:
  • The Ace: VICTOR!!!
  • Baby Got Back: The series has several Rare Male Examples, with Chris's ass shots among the most memorable ones.
  • Badass Gay: Yuuri Katsuki is the most talented and famous skater in Japan, and he's bisexual - his First Love and "ideal woman" is a lady named Yuuko, whereas his Second Love is a man named Victor Nikiforov.
    • The aforementioned Victor Nikiforov is the most famous, talented and succesful skater in the whole Earth, and later he retires to become Yuuri's coach and shape him into becoming his successor. He and Yuuri share The Big Damn Kiss in episode 7, and later are engaged.
    • Christophe is implied to have a boyfriend and to have had a fling with Victor in the past. He's also an extremely talented skater, even when he's never been able to defeat Victor.
  • The Big Damn Kiss: Even when Victor and Yuuri's kiss after the Cup of China is visually blocked by the first's arm, that doesn't make it less spectacular thanks to: the close-ups to the kisser's mouth and the kissed one's face, the shocked reactions of their loved ones around (namely Yuuri's parents and big sister, his Cool Big Sis Minako, Yuuri's Childhood Friends Takeshi and Yuuko plus their triplet daughters, etc.), etc.
  • Brooding Boy, Gentle Guy: Yuuri is trying to stop brooding so he can be "reborn" in the skating circles, and Victor (sometimes gently, sometimes not) does his best to cheer him up and help him go forward.
  • Brother-Sister Team: Michele and Sara Crispino are twin siblings who perform together. The cruxis of their subplot is that Michele has become overprotective and possessive of Sara, which she finds asphixiating.
  • Celeb Crush: The early stages of Yuuri's admiration for Victor, which began when he (Yuuri) was a young teen and Victor was on the height of his career. He has the massive luck of actually meeting and directly interacting with Victor on a daily basis when he becomes his coach, and as they know each other better, Yuuri's feelings evolve into actual romantic love - which Victor reciprocates and seals with a kiss..
  • Childhood Friends: Yuuko and Yuuri. Takeshi starts as The Bully to Yuuri, but they become friends too.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: Takeshi and Yuuko.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: Yurio. It's also deconstructed: his androgynous looks are a HUGE part of his charm as a skater, and since he's already 15 years old he knows his body will eventually change so he'll lose that charm point.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: Yuuri is good-looking in an Adorkable way and can be pretty Tall, Dark and Handsome when he performs. Victor seems kinda enamoured with the guy, flirts a bit with him and is revealed to actually be in love with him; Kenjirou Minami is a Yuuri Fan Boy to man-crush levels, Chris grabs his butt and implies that he wouldn't mind Three-Way Sex with him and Victor, etc.
    • Both Victor and Chris have fangirls AND fanboys up the wazoo, Yuuri admits that he had a Celeb Crush on Victor when younger, and Yurio is clingy as HELL to Victor.
  • Female Gaze: Every. Frigging. WHERE.
  • Forgotten First Meeting: Yuri Plisetsky and Otabek Altin met three years before the series started, in a special training camp for young skaters. It's just that one of them forgot about the other. . .
    • Even more so - It turns out Yuuri and Victor did NOT meet when Victor came to Japan to train Yuuri and bring him to then top. They actually met in the Grand Prix Banquet after the GP Finals where Yuuri failed thoroughly. He got piss drunk there (probably to go Drowning My Sorrows), danced with lots of people, flirted the Hell out with Victor while begging him to come coach him... and then he forgot due to, well, being inebriated. However, Victor always recalled that chance meeting and found it charming enough to fill Yuuri's drunken request, after seeing the video that the Nishogori girls uploaded to Youtube...
  • Gaming and Sports Anime And Manga: Dedicated to ice skating. It's not the first one, however: The Cherry Project, Ginban Kaleidoscope and Ice Revolution did it before.
  • Gay and Lesbian Fiction: Yuuri Katsuki is a bisexual man, and this is his "late bloomer" sort-of Coming of Age Story with touches of Coming Out Story.
  • Meditating Under a Waterfall: Yuuri and Yurio do this.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Every male skater qualifies as this is one way or another.
  • My Greatest Second Chance: Yuuri is about to lose his ice skating career, and then Victor shows up to offer him this!
  • Raised by Grandparents: Yurio was raised by his grandfather Nikolai. It's quite telling that his grandpa is one of the few people that Yurio, a Bratty Half-Pintis openly and unconditionally loving to.
  • Shipper on Deck: Several people notice the chemistry between Yuuri and Victor and support the prospect match up. These include: Yuuri's ex-roomate Phichit, Yuuri's mother Mari and his sister Hiroko, plus skaters like Christophe, Kenjirou or Otabek...