Zachary John Quinto (b. 1977) is an American actor. He began acting in small roles in his native Pittsburgh as a child, and claims to have known since a very young age that acting was his calling. He is famous for having Big Ol' Eyebrows, cutting open people's heads, and having pointy ears.
This actor and his roles provide examples of:
- All Lowercase Letters: his blog postings and twitter are exactly how you would expect.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Corpsing: Almost broke character when Spock was interrogating Kirk and Scotty; the final scene in the film shows his expression twitching just slightly enough to be missed.
- Also applies to several scenes in Heroes where Sylar's expression can change just enough to indicate near-corpsing.
- Deadpan Snarker: Plays one of the best, as well as being one himself.
- Even the Guys Want Him: At a recent movie premiere, Paul Bettany groped him in front of a thousand cameras. Adrian Pasdar did the same thing.
- The Klutz / Cloudcuckoolander: According to several accounts from both the Heroes and Star Trek sets and on-the-street Twitter sightings.
- His Twitter sometimes will lapse into complete nonsense, giving off a Cloudcuckoolander impression.
- Was nearly hit by a car because he stopped in the middle of crossing a street to take a picture of a balloon.
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: Is quite laid back and sweet in Real Life, but once he gets into character, prepare to be terrified.
- Mr. Fanservice: As Sylar's popularity increased, the writers wrote in more thinly veiled Fan Service moments into his scenes. There is a reason he and Milo Ventimiglia, who plays Peter, have the most shirtless scenes in the show.
- His guest role on American Horror Story plays up this angle as well.
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant: His series of YouTube videos, Before and After and Before and After II feature him in a wide variety of costumes.
- Promoted Fanboy: An avowed drama geek from the Carnegie Mellon School of Drama, he was extremely pleased to be cast as Louis in a production of Angels in America as he was a fan of the material.
- Played with in that it wasn't until he was cast as the reboot Spock that he became a fan of Star Trek.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Tends to speak in an articulate manner, although tends to lapse into Buffy-Speak or Sophisticated As Hell in more casual settings.
- Straight Gay: Came out with an offhand comment in a recent interview and prefers to not discuss his personal life.
Official Account[]
- Zachary Quinto on Twitter
- Zachary Quinto on Facebook
- Zachary Quinto on Instagram
- Zachary Quinto on Insstar.com
- Zachary Quinto on Instagweb.com
- Zachary Quinto on Buzzcent.com
- Zachary Quinto on Insstars.com
- Zachary Quinto on Photostags.com