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These things about Zack Snyder's Justice League are subjective - not everyone will agree with all of them.

  • And You Thought It Would Fail: Many people, including WB themselves, were predicting that the Snyder Cut would fail, but it quickly became one of the most streamed films on HBO Max.
  • Author's Saving Throw:
    • The tone is much more consistent throughout the film.
    • The Parademons and Steppenwolf sport more alien and otherworldly redesigns rather than looking just like men in funny outfits.
    • The Justice League members beyond Superman are given equal screen time and more development.
    • The Joker's new design in the Knightmare scene is considered a definite improvement over the 2017 film.
    • Lex Luthor acts more like his comic self and less like the Riddler, as he did in BvS.
  • Base Breaker:
    • Superman as always in the DCEU. Zack Snyder had long been criticized for failing to understand Superman's character and he either proved all his critics right here with a forced and insincere take on The Cape or he proved all his critics wrong with glorious Character Rerailment.
    • Darkseid. To half the fanbase, he's an Ensemble Darkhorse who is nicely separate from Thanos and a fantastic Bigger Bad. To the other half, he's a Generic Doomsday Villain who is a pale imitation of Thanos.
  • Broken Base: The film garners three main responses. It's a far better film than Joss Whedon's, it's proof that Zack Snyder should be banned from the DCEU forever, or it's a better film than its 2017 counterpart, but only in the sense that getting stabbed once is better than getting stabbed twice.
    • There's an implication that the forces of Apokolips conquering planets is what led to the Kryptonians abandoning their own empire-building. Some like how this ties into one large story while others find it an Ass Pull, noting that Zod's crew alone had better technology than Apokolips fielded and that Superman alone is stronger than one of Apokolips' generals.
  • Deader Than Disco: After about a month or so after its release, most hype around the film died down and it was largely forgotten as it was clear the DCEU wasn't going to be moving in a similar direction.
  • Designated Hero: Wonder Woman. How does she stop the terrorist attack at the bank? Straight up murdering the lead terrorist. A man who posed zero threat to her.
  • He Really Can Act: Thanks to the more consistent tone, the actors get more scenes to better show their character's arcs, but the standouts have to be Ben Affleck and Ray Fisher.
    • Ben Affleck really got a chance to show his chops as Batman when compared to the Whedon Cut.
    • Response to Ray Fisher's Cyborg in the 2017 film was decidedly tepid. He got much more praise as an actor in this take of the film.
  • Hype Aversion: In spite of positive word of mouth, seeing Zack Snyder's name on this film, combined the negative reviews and stigma attached to Snyder's previous entries in the DC Extended Universe, served only to deter some segments of the fanbase.
  • Hype Backlash: To some fans, the film isn't any better (and is some circles is worse) than the 2017 film. Common complaints are the sheer amount of slow-mo, Cyborg's much vaunted role being largely Mr. Exposition, Flash and Wonder Woman losing their (admittedly mild) character arcs and Superman losing his joyful persona from Whedon's version, returning to his grim personality from the previous Snyder films.
  • Only the Creator Does It Right: General consensus among the DC Fanbase is that Snyder's version of the story is the superior one thanks to the more consistent tone. Though whether this means it's a good film is something that's still up for debate.
  • Padding: A common complaint is that, at just over four hours, the Snyder Cut is far too long and has many scenes that only serve to inflate the run time. The Signature Scene of Flash channeling the Speed Force is a particular offender in this regard.
  • Pandering to the Base: A big complaint about the film is that it was largely released to appease Snyder's fanbase after they didn't like the Lighter and Softer direction the DCEU was moving following the failure of BvS, with industry analysts and film critics worried about the precedent that it could potentially set.
  • Special Effect Failure: You will know when Ray Fisher's face is CGI.
  • They Copied It, So It Sucks: Much like its 2017 counterpart, it is hard not to draw comparisons to The Avengers. A Small Name, Big Ego Big Bad Wannabe, who lives in terror of the Bigger Bad, has been sent to Earth to collect a cube-shaped MacGuffin. And when his patsy fails, the Bigger Bad is eager at the prospect of fighting Earth himself.
  • Unintentional Period Piece: The film was clearly meant to be released in 2017 when the DCEU was going for Darker and Edgier. In 2018, the DCEU began moving in a Lighter and Softer direction with films like Aquaman and Shazam, making Zack Snyder's Justice League really stand out as an older product by the time it released. And several times it foreshadows movies that were since cancelled.
  • Unintentionally Unsympathetic: The "problems" in Cyborg's personal life are so intensely first-world problems that it hurts.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: Whatever one's opinion of the film, there's no denying that the CGI is very impressive.
  • Win Back the Crowd: The film restored faith in the Snyderverse. Not to everyone, but to enough people.

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