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  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Over its near twelve-year span, it's had a lot of these moments.
  • Demonic Spiders: Besides the original game enemies, you've got worse versions of Darknuts, Wizzrobes, and Octoroks to possibly contend with.
  • Good Bad Bugs: There have been several bugs that benefited the player over the course of the program's lifespan.
  • Growing the Beard: As the program aged, it added items and elements found in other Zelda games, most of which were met with positive reception. It also squashed some serious game-breaking bugs.
  • That One Boss: Level 6 of the Fourth Quest has you fight a Giant Moldorm with forty segments. It takes up most of the screen and the fight can take forever. If the player dies, he or she will have to fight the boss again with the segments restored.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: The fourth quest's main complaint was this and how much it supposedly defiled NES limitations.