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In the world of Zettai Hero Kaizou Keikaku (or just Zettai Hero Project, Z.H.P for short) there are many different characters, each with their own goals and motivations.

The Main Character[]

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The main hero of the story. This young man was on his way back from picking up the groceries from the store, when all of a sudden he witnesses the one and only Unlosing Ranger get hit by a car. As he lies dying, the Unlosing Ranger, Pirohiko, entrusts his outfit and Morph Belt to him, thereby allowing him to turn into the new Unlosing Ranger!

...Sadly, he's the Weakest Main Character alive, and gets trounced by Darkdeath Evilman in seconds.

So, thanks to great timing from the World Hero Society, he gets transported to Bizarro Earth, where he must train to become powerful enough to defeat Darkdeath Evilman, and save the world!

Tropes associated with the Main Character:

  • Abusive Parents And HOW!
  • All of the Other Reindeer: In true Rudolph fashion, nearly everyone else are dicks until the Unlosing Ranger helps them. Even the main character's own family had been blaming him for their own problems including wanting a divorce; partly due to his sister's repression of the fact that he was the one who saved her from the Cannibal by occupying it via beating the crap out of the main character enough for the police to arrive.
  • Alternate Character Interpretation: ...just what exactly is his personality? Why is he The Determinator? Is it justice, simplicity, desperation, stoicism? Given how many times he has Sweat Drop due to the people around him, players have actually pinned him down as a Deadpan Snarker who just keeps his mouth shut.
    • Which may have something to do with the fact that one of the default names you can get by selecting the random name option is Darius.
  • Awesome McCoolname: The Absoulte Victory Unlosing Ranger. You can come up with one as well.
  • But Thou Must!: The Main Character has no choice but to become the Unlosing Ranger at the start.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Played with. He always comes back to face Darkdeath Evilman, but until the very end, he always gets his ass kicked. Played straight though, when he punches a nuke into the SUN before it blows up Japan.
  • Butt Monkey
  • Clothes Make the Superman: ...That, and Training From Hell.
  • Combination Attack: With Dangerama, called the Dangerous Unlosing Hurricane.
  • Cosplay: Can equip various bits and pieces from fallen enemies, including the Final Boss.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
  • Determinator: Shining example, even before becoming the Unlosing Ranger. In a Flashback, it's revealed that he had stood up to an insane serial killer / rapist / cannibal who had kidnapped him and his sister. He's beaten to a bloody pulp (literally so: he's hospitalized afterwards and his sister is traumatized into amnesia after just from seeing it) but continues to keep standing up, long enough to keep the serial killer distracted until help arrived. It transfers to his superhero persona very well.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: He goes from being called a useless fake who's just there to be a nuisance to gaining enough power to punch a nuke into the sun and eventually earning the respect of people all around the world for his unwavering spirit. This rock solid trust and belief in him causes him to power up into the Unlosing Ranger Omega, culminating in him saving the world.
  • Expy: He looks a lot like Haruo Yoshikawa from Magikano.
  • The Glasses Come Off: When he transforms into the True Unlosing Ranger.
  • The Hero: Not so much at first, but he grows into one over the course of the game.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Supposedly pulles this off at the very end, when he flies a self-destructing Giant Giga Darkdeath Evilman into the sun. But thanks to the Morph Belt, he makes it back in one piece.
  • Hidden Depths: not a case of You Suck; he's always been a badass, but no one ever gave him a chance.
  • Important Haircut: He gains one from pure Heroic Spirit when he learns the special attack "120% Determination", even going so far as to change his portrait in game. This marks the point where he goes from being insulted by just about everyone — "The Unlosing Ranger (Temp)", "The Fake Unlosing Ranger", etc. — to actually gaining some respect.
  • Iron Woobie
  • Save the Villain
  • Unlucky Everydude
  • Visible Silence
  • You Suck: ...or does he?

Pirohiko Ichimonji[]

Voiced by: Kyle Hebert (EN)[]

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The original (not really) Unlosing Ranger himself. At the start of the game, he's frantically rushing towards the last boss battle because he overslept. Sadly, this leads to him not seeing the car that strikes him down. Desparate, he gives the Unlosing Ranger suit and Morph belt to the nearest person, who so happens to be the Main Character.

...Then he dies.

But he manages to come back as a Spirit Advisor towards the Player Character, so that he can help him become a true hero.

Tropes associated with Pirohiko:

Etranger a.k.a. Hanakikyo, the Super Baby[]

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After the main character loses his first battle to Darkdeath Evilman, she tries to train him so that he can return and defeat him. She's actually an Astral Projection of the Super Baby as a preteen.

Tropes associated with Etranger:

Demon General Darkdeath Evilman[]

He shoots laser beams from his eyes! He breathes fire from his mouth! Boasting an appearance proving he is a villain, he is the last boss of this game. Except that it's only a robotic exoskeleton. The one controlling it, the real Darkdeath Evilman, is actually a Child Prodigy who lost faith in heroes.

Tropes associated with Darkdeath Evilman:

Reckless Cop Dangerama[]

As the name implies, Dangerama is a stock Anti-Hero who fights with reckless abandon. Dangerama's the one to protect Super Baby while the Unlosing Ranger trains on Bizarro Earth. He's on an extended guilt trip after being forced to kill his one true love. It takes the Unlosing Ranger to get him over it.

Tropes associated with Dangerama: